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marijuana coffee

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by austyn12, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. what if i were to take a mocha recipe and instead of regualr milk add marijuana milk i made from leafs? Would it taste good? or maby hemp milk. go ahead and test it for me if it hasnt been done
  2. yea you can do it easy just gotta cook it down, wake n bake for real
  3. Sounds like a good idea I might try it sometime.

  4. i think thats why one drop bob Marley mocha tastes so good because it has hemp milk in it most likely.

  5. yeah i will when i can make hemp milk it sounds so good. probably about 1/4 cup for every 8 oz of coffee
  6. Very nice.
    We never used cannabutter, only made cannamilk which we name ''Benk''.
    Ill make this later, its a cool idea.

  7. if u want to make it strong add a table spoon of marijuana oil for every 8 ozs of coffee .you can use butter but it might make it taste bad who know though test it .

  8. btw i cant take full credit i have a old bottle of one drop bob Marley mocha that smells like hemp milk now .
  9. I use Cannabutter with shots of espresso and in my morning coffee. Strong blends of coffee cover the taste completely and the cannabutter adds a nutty flavor. It's actually quite nice. It's definitely a great way to wake and bake.

  10. Done (and done for decades, at least)! :D

    A little 'deja vu' from another recent, and similar thread....


    The best canna milks (and creamers ;) ) start with pure milk fat... in other words, clarified butter. [​IMG]

    The good news is that, so long as you activate your herb and clarify your butter properly, it should produce
    a pale-golden milk with BARELY any flavor beyond something similar to taking a hashy vape hit...

    Just terpene-ey, cannabinoid-filled goodness. [​IMG]


    Usually the 'nastier' flavors are bitter plant waxes and salts, and cooked chlorophyll, and these elements are
    unnecessary, or inert, in terms of the effects provided by your milk.

    These inert components are invited in by water contamination during processing. These inert byproducts of
    water contamination, during the process, can somewhat 'mar' or damage the aesthetic experience, or
    pleasure, of an otherwise very good milk.

    In other words it can be potent, but a bit harder to swallow, than a clean milk. [​IMG]


    All it takes to make the very best canna milk, is 1) a decent canna butter and 2) then using gentle heat, and
    a fork or a whisk, to reincorporate that butter with the milk or cream product of your choosing.

    It can be used as coffee creamer, for whipped cream, and even hashy egg nog [​IMG]

    Quick excerpts from the CannaPharm photo tutorials, below... these should give you the right idea (but you
    can check the 'Pharm, if you need any help with the full recipes)!





    And the 'Nog...


    Solid chuck of coconut hash oil, and a few doses of glycerin tincture...


    I prefer using coconut oil, versus clarified butter, for better bioavailability (ie. stronger & longer-lasting
    effects, produced by less material... this helps create a few extra doses from the same batch and material [​IMG] ).


    And an old extra simple, 'Instant Canna Coffee'... we normally grind up the beans and brew ours, the below
    was a specific member's request for options when making a quick instant cup.

    Luckily, I almost always have some organic instant on hand, just in case we run out of the good stuff. :D


    You can 'Irish it up' with a green or golden dragon, you can use canna butter/milk, or you can just add a dose of
    glycerin tincture...

    You can do any of the above to home made coffee, even to any shop or chain-brewed coffee you like. :)


    A simple, local, and farm fresh Chocolate Canna Milk... (OK, there 'may' be some Kahlua coffee liqueur & Bailey's in there :D )


    And a Raspberry Hashy Mudslide, on the rocks.... don't forget, these can be blended too!


    Simple as that! [​IMG]
  11. It would be a waste and you'd barely get a buzz. Your best bet is to make edible oil and add it. You'll get an intense body high and be baked for the rest of the day.
  12. I make canna coffee all the time. I do it by the cup, when ever I feel the need to medicate..

    I start by adding my creamer (heavy or half/half) to a plastic mug. throw it in the microwave for 30-45 seconds... I then add .2 gram of bho. stir it up for a minute or two until its all dissolved, throw it back into the microwave for another 30 seconds.... stir some more. Then I just brew a fresh cup of coffee into my creamer...

    might not be the most scientific approach, but it gets the job done, every time!
    WARNING! I like my coffee a bit strong! .2 grams works great for me but may be a bit much for others... may want to try .1g the first time.. ;)
    Hope this helps!

  13. thats nearly not enoth fat to do anything.
  14. Will you marry me?

  15. nice do u got a recipe for butter .oil would taste bad in this .

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