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Marijuana brownies!!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WizKhalifaRocks, May 10, 2011.

  1. Hey guys I have been looking for someone that sells them but cant seem to.

    I asked my
    friends /// nd dealer and they all said nope sorry bro.

    So how else can i find someone? i live in stuart/palm
    city/ sometimes in west palm
    beach florida i am just wonderin..
  2. Im not sure if I would buy them but you could always make some.
  3. People don't usually sell weed brownies, usually you have to have a friend that makes them, or make them yourself which isn't very hard
  4. #4 dbx64, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2011
  5. I cant i dont want my buddys to find out i smoke they will tell the cops or just not hamg out with me nd leave me haha so i cany make them.
  6. It seems like all of your threads are about trying to find hookups and dealers. Why is that?
  7. he's a cop!
  8. They dont have to know that you put it in the brownies. Just make them while they are not there. And im assuming your trying to get your friends high without them knowing becuase they dont want to smoke.
  9. How old are you? That might help me get to the bottom of this ;)
  10. #10 TheCudLife, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Then you have some fucked up friends.
  11. I need advice sorry haha.
  12. Jvy I can't they will smell it and shit.
  13. the house will reeeeeek for a few hours :D
  14. Im not a cop I just want advice omfg..
  15. Well your SOL lol
  16. How fucking old are you?
  17. Any advice plzzzzzzzZZ?
  18. How old are you???
  19. Just answer meh question please, it will help me solve your problem :)

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