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marijuana Atenolol/xanax interaction

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by cenuke, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. title says all, do they interact with eachother in a negative way with my medication
  2. As hesitant as I am to throw out advice that a Doctor should be consulted about...

    I have been on Atenolol for 8 years. I notice that it relieves that perceived symptom of increased heart rate with MJ. I notice no bad interactions.

    Your experience may vary.

    I also had a Xanax script for a few years. I took it when I needed it for anxiety. Again I experienced no symptoms of interactions with Atenolol and/or pot.

    Your experience again may vary.

    And it might not hurt to ask your doctor.
  3. From my experience all meds related to anxiety have worked amazingly in combination with cannabis use. No negative side effects that I have experienced or heard of, though I am not sure which case you are using said meds for. Hope I helped!
  4. I use both and have never had an issue with either interacting the MMJ. The atenolol was excellent for relieving racing heart/anxiety from smoking MMJ to.
  5. No you will have a better experience actually, absolutely no uneasiness or increased heart rate etc. it's not on the do not combine list so your good. I take xanax when I have a panic attack on weed and rely on it for that, it's a life saver.

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