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Marijuana as appetite stimulant/insomnia aide?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Junglism, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Are there any studies/books that suggest the use of Cannabis as either an Appetite Stimulant or an aide to growing Insomnia?
  2. Well I know people have been given medical marijuana before in the past to help control Anorexia. But what do you mean by growing Insomnia? Are you saying you want it, or it's been increasively worse? Either way, I don't think Cannabis is that good for treating it, although it helps me fall asleep no problem.
  3. I have Insomnia all the time and MJ is the only thing that knocks me out. I like a nice Indica, works every time. Not having herb when I can't sleep is the problem.

    Plus I have Epilepsy and the Indica's sedating power also keeps your brains electricity levels lowered and helps keeps my seizures at bay.

    I have to Take pills for Epilepsy and they kill my appetite, make me feel generally shitty and nauseated ....

    Two bong rips and instantly my nausea is gone, I feel a whole lot better and get super munchies after 15-20 mins.

    So yeah for me; It pretty much kills four birds with one stone. It's five birds if you count the fact I just love to smoke trees in the 1st place.
  4. before i type the rest of this post
    did you try google? for real google has all of this information all you have to do is type it in

    and yes if you google it you will find the studies you are looking for
    it is used in cancer patients alot because the medicine they take suppresses hunger and causes nausea and marijuana can treat both of those side effects

    and i use it for my insomnia (as well as for my epilepsy)
    just toke before bed
  5. Thanks everyone.

    Yes I've tried Google, yes I've tried the library, I as mostly looking for some user-opinions since I don't currently smoke for medicinal purposes, usually just recreational ones.

    Ultimation- I'm steadily becoming more and more of an insomniac, and it's really affecting every area of my life, I was just hoping that someone on these boards uses Marijuana as a sleeping aide, since I can't fall asleep for more than a few hours lately, and I tend to stay up late nights with bullshit projects I doubt will ever matter.

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