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Marijuana and Urinary infections

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by j420j420, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. So basically I've had a urinary tract infection (diagnosed as prostatitus) which has lasted way longer than expected. Even more surprising is that I'm fairly young and generally healthy which makes it very uncommon for this type of thing to last so long. Anyway basically why I'm posting this is today I visited a urologist about the problem and what he has told me is basically to stop smoking weed and start taking aleve for atleast the next few weeks (he suggested a full month) until my symptoms are finally gone. The way that he explained why I should stop smoking is that essentially because I've had roughly 45 days of antibiotics there basically is no chance that any bacteria is still there and that the pain I'm feeling is from lingering inflamation/irritation. He explained that since marijuana smoke(which is how I normally partake) has carcinogens and other toxins which enter the blood stream and urinary tract and maybe cause irritation to the bladder, which would explain the pain I feel.
    Now I understand that he's a doctor and knows a lot more than me obviously, but I was just wondering what your guys thoughts on this are. I understand his point, but one thing that set off a red flag for me was that he said multiple times how weed today is not what it used to be, and this worries me because it's pretty much a myth that all anti marijuana supporters use all the time and also shows me that he probably doesn't have the best knowledge of what marijuana in general. With that being said however he also mentioned that he used to smoke in med school which shows me at least he isn't completely unaware about the truth about marijuana. Also I had a difficult time in general trying to find information on marijuana and urinary infections. Any advice or info greatly appreciated thanks!

  2. Well marijuana is an antiinflammimary, but I'm no dr so I'd take his advice before anyone on a weed forum.

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