I love pot. I do, honestly its one of the best things that i have discovered so far in life. BUT, after smoking heavily for some yrs now...some questions linger unanswered (biased opinions, no studies, yada-yada). For instance, Our lungs. Just HOW fucked up are our lungs getting if we're taking a couple bong rips a day? We've all seen how our bongs get. Brown...even black near the splashguard if I dont clean it enough. The water stinks like rancid ass. Just the dark side of ganj you know? now think of that beaker of smelly water, being our lungs. Can our lungs get "bong watery"? Like, smelly because of pot? What about all that tar buildup? Another question is our cillia in our lungs. The lungs have a coating of tiny hairs called "cillia" that help clean all the dust and shit out, but when you smoke they get paralyzed/die. Would vaping have the same effect? I figure its just as hot as smoke if not harsher so....probably? Also our oral health and our sinuses. I have heard smoking pot daily causes tooth decay? I know my uncle who pretty much is a loser (no offense..) taht just smokes all day and bums around, has maybe 8 teeth? Our sinuses, smoke is an irritant, and we all know how resiny weed is. Can our soft sinus tissues/throat get fucked up bad by pot? Just some general health questions that have been in teh back of my mind. I say this because today in class I noticed I had the dreaded "ass mouth" that sometimes is associated with smokin. I woke n boked which was lovely . Brushed, flossed, used mouthwash. Went to class but then I think dry mouth or something just gave me some stank breath. Embarassing.
Our lungs are alive. They clean themselves. They're not just like a piece of glass that gets covered in shit and stays that way forever. Cilia cannot die. They are not alive. They are small hairs on the pseudostratified epithelial cells that line our airways. They are not organisms in of themselves, but rather parts of organisms. I think of cilia as a cell's "moustache." Vaping is much better for you than breathing in smoke. When it comes to the different types of smoke you can inhale, marijuana smoke is probably one of the LEAST unhealthy, but it's still smoke nonetheless. Just brush your damn teeth and you'll be fine. The reason why it could cause tooth decay is because of the cottonmouth. When your mouth is dry, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Do you inhale through your nose or something? I wouldn't worry about it. If your throat is ALREADY irritated due to something else (throat infection, burn, etc) smoke will probably make it worse. Otherwise, it shouldn't be a problem.
of course smoking anything will have negative affects on your lungs, if anything just maked baked goods if your worried about your health
I smoke 3 packs of cigs a day along with weed. a couple years ago I had a pneumothorax (basically a hole in my lung) and went to the hospital to get surgery to close the holes in my lungs. After the surgery, the doctor mentioned that I have really clean lungs for a smoker. I don't remember it exactly, so don't quote me here.... but he told me that if you do sports or any physical activities, your lungs slowly get rid of some of the tar over time, and that tar isn't what makes your lungs turn black, it's the carbon from the smoke... again, thats just what I remember so I'm not sure about it's accuracy.
The good and amazing thing about our body is that it heals itself. Fume from exhuast pipe of a truck and smoke from weed, both harms our lungs. From the fume of a truck we don't get any pleasure from it, but we only get stress. But from the smoke of weed, we get plenty of pleasure and relieves our stress. And our body heals itself the best when we're free of stress, so if we smoke truck fume, we only damage our lungs without repairing it, but if we smoke weed, we may have hurt the lung, but the effects of the weed will allow our body to heal the wound caused by the weed.
you put ice and water and it's way safer than anything, but the safest way is a vape. Your lungs are good, I knew a dude who was 67 and smoked since he was fucking...i can't even remember and he smoked cigarettes You're fine