Marijuana and Minor Epilepsy?

Discussion in 'General' started by tflga, May 9, 2009.

  1. #1 tflga, May 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2009
    I have a friend, who says he has it. The doctors told him that Marijuana "triggers it", or whatever. So he says he can't anymore.

    But that makes no sense, he did before, and was fine. He went to the doctors and now he can't?

    Does marijuana affect it?

    Edit: I don't know anything about minor epilepsy, and all that.. to as why I'm asking
  2. i would google it.

    but my friend has epilepsy and she smokes. and she has it bad.
  3. Yeah google is your friend.
  4. You'd probably get more help in the Medical Marijuana section too :)
  5. there is no such thing as minoe epilepsy ... there are partial sesures...

    and trust me the weed dont couse it...

    i told my doc every drug ive ever done and none of them brought on the epilepsy ...

    i got all the epilepsy info andone needs!!! first hand expeeriance
  6. #6 Toke N' Choke, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2009
    ^haha. Me too. To a much severe extent.

    Doc doesn't know what he's talking about. I had full blown epilepsy since getting my first MMR shot. Got grandmal seizure first time and then throughout my whole life I had seizures and auras...Tests done on me every week, blood drawn-catscans-MRIs-etcetc...Had brain surgery when I was 12/13 and they took out a piece of my frontal temperlobe. No longer have to take the 10 medications 3 times daily like I used to and no more seizures either. Sued the US Gov and won.

    Epilepsy is one of the reasons to be able to get an MMJ card and is what I used. I can say it does help.
  7. i hear you ... so wich was it your frontal lobe or your temperal lobe?

    i had my entire right temperal lobe removed in may 09
  8. #8 Toke N' Choke, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2009

    My bad. I meant to just put temper Lobe-right side. Also removed. Memory side really. They said other side would take it over.

    Mine was done a long time ago. in 95. I was out for about a year in school. Offered to stay back, but didn't and didn't need to. I progressed so quick and healed right up-had a tutor. After surgery, I was out in like 3 days recovery.

    My head was shaved and I have this gnarly scar on the right side. I had a pic of it somewhere, but lost it. Celtics and Dodgers came by the hospital when I was there and got autographs and pictures. It's pretty sweet that they do this, but this was done at a Children's hospital I believe so this might be why it happened.

    Edit: I asked the doc to keep the piece of brain(my dad's weird suggestion so I figured I'd ask). And they said no....They just incinerated it.
  9. nice your memory and language as well as personality comes from your temperal lobes ... they did a wadda test before sergery where they went in thru my leg up thru my hart and into my brain put one side to sleep and test ur memory and langage and shit ...then wake it up and do the other side...

    when my right side was asleep i was fine no probs everything was good left side works great!!! but when left was asleep and right awake...i couldnt even speak... i knew what i wanted to say but could not make it come out of my mouth!

    so i been liveing in the left brain all along anyway it had been makeing up for the right side long time before they took it out
  10. #10 Toke N' Choke, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2009

    damn thats crazy man. Ya i've had years and years of tests done. Very often too. They'd keep me for a week, sometimes 2 weeks or more(think I was there for a month one time) testing me at a hospital. I had all kinds of shit done; I don't even know the names of them all.

    One of the weirdest ones is where they put all these probs on your head(had my head shaved for this too-I think it's called an ECG) and they make you naturally go to sleep and monitor you...This happened for days staying at the hospital overnight and shit.. Fuckin crazy man. Now I don't take meds or anything...
  11. yup its eeg...but close enuff...

    i been there brother longest they kept me was a week

    3 days after sergery i went on a 5000 mile round trip road trip... fuck it
    3 weeks after sregery i shingled a roof

    hell i never followed what the doc said as far a safty shit other than not driveing ... i was building scafolds at the ship yard standing on a bar 2in arround 200 ft in the air building it higher!

    but i got to keep takeing meds up as long as 2 yrs after sergery but fuck it im doing great now!!!

    i would always forget all the shit that happens so i would wake up in hospital no idea how i got there and they would tell me about how many people i beat the shit out of wile haveing partial sesures and them trying to tie me to the bed...

    crasy shit i tell you

    in nov when i had 15 grand mals in 3 hrs then went into the partials for 3 days they said it took 18 people to strap me to the bed ...crasy shit and i dont remember any of it
  12. ah that shit sucks. I only had 1 grandmal ever. They told me not to do shit either. HAHA. I went and used my friends trampoline. I ended up getting kicked in the head by this kid that was pissed over something I bled a little bit. My brother got real pissed and punched the kid a couple of times. I shouldn't have been on the trampoline anyway. haha.
  13. yes i had trampolean for the kids was on it all the time and the first 2 yrs i had the epilepsy i was still a roofer! up there every day fuckem got to live cant let anything hold you back!!!!

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