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Marijuana and Mental Health: Share Your Experiences

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Alex00982, Oct 14, 2023.

  1. Hello everyone,

    Let's have an open discussion about the relationship between marijuana and mental health. Have you had personal experiences, positive or negative, that you'd like to share? Your insights are valuable, so feel free to join the conversation.
  2. Why don't you start, my friend?
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  3. In my experience, people that don't smoke weed are mental.
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  4. #5 Alex00982, Oct 15, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
    HaHaHa Guys, thanks for the valuable input
    My input is on this topic is:
    Online therapy provides a convenient and accessible platform for individuals to discuss their experiences, challenges, and concerns related to marijuana and its impact on mental health. It can be an effective way to connect with licensed professionals who can provide personalized guidance, coping strategies, and a safe space to address any negative effects they may have encountered. You can find licensed therapist professionals on various online platforms and review blogs like TherapyEver.

    If you've had experiences with marijuana affecting your mental health, or if you've used online therapy to navigate these concerns, please feel free to share your insights. Your stories and perspectives can provide valuable information and support for others in the conversation.
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  5. I moved to Thailand 5 months ago. I didnt realize how Uptight I was. I had a hard time adapting. I always drank too much. Two weeks ago I had Bad Pain in my abdomen. A friend drove me 5 hours to a private Hospital in Chiang Mai. Pancreatitis, very painful. All they give is Tylenol for pain. I had Morphine scale pain. Outside my Hotel there was a Pot Shop. I am a Christian, "Pot Bad". I figured I had to do something for the pain. The shop had Bruce Banner, AK 47, Thai Stick and lots of other Strains. I bought some "Pre Rolls" got a Watermelon Smoothie and took a Hit of Bruce Banner. I Saw The Light. Within 10 minutes the pain was gone. It really mellowed me out. Now Im calmer and rid of My Culture Shock. I dont Drink anymore and I feel Great. My Thai Wife and I own a Beautiful 20 Rie Farm in the Mountains of Nan Province. We grow Durian. We are Registering our Farm and getting our Govt Permits to Grow and Distribute Medical Cannabis. Truth Be Told....Its All Medical Cannabis.

    Attached Files:

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  6. Yes, I like the chance to talk about how marijuana and mental health are connected. Even though I haven't felt it myself, I know that people can have different reactions to marijuana. Some say they feel less stressed and really got good feelings. It's important to know each other experiences. I can't wait to listen to what others people think about this issue and to add my voice to the discussion.
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