Marijuana And Fainting -My Experiences And Knowledge.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by JRmusic, May 10, 2014.

  1. Hey all!
    So it seems like you always see people asking why they faint when smoking weed. I have this problem, and thought I would share some things about it.

    First of all, the obvious and common response is "don't smoke it then" or "maybe it's time to stop". Yes, you are right, but those sorts of comments don't help.

    If you are reading this, and have fainted, I am sure you know how it progresses, so I won't bother explaining that. I will offer some info and tips to avoid it.

    I have had about a half dozen fainting episodes in the past three years where I went totally unconscious. The worst one happening in the lineup at the snack bar at my local theater, lol.

    When it happens:
    -you did not eat breakfast that morning, or have not eaten for a while.
    -you smoked too much.
    -you may be a little dehydrated

    So, this happens to you, you still enjoy getting high, but wish to avoid fainting?
    I have some tips to share with you..

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  2. Okay, so the first thing you have to assess before riding the herb to Valhalla:
    -have taken enough nutrition in lately?
    Eat something a half hour before! Drink a glass of water or something that will hydrate you.

    Next you should take into account that you have fainted before. Don't be a hero! Understand that your friends may be able to smoke weed all day long. Do not try to keep up with them, if they call you a lightweight or rib you, just agree, or say that you enjoy getting high but see no need to overdo do it. (Turn it around on them, ask why they need to smoke so much).

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  3. Asses your upcoming activities:

    -Are you going to sit on the couch and watch tv? Can you easily sit down or lay down as soon as you feel the first signs of a faint coming on?

    If you haven't eaten much, and have to go stand in a line for a long time on a really hot day, recognize that this is a setup for a faint. Public faints are not cool. Trust me, fainting with a pop and bag of popcorn in your hands while talking to a cashier; then waking up to find that you knocked over a hundred feet of velvet rope and now have a crowd of people standing over you is not enjoyable. -at all! And these days you can bet the employees will all be in the back room later, watching the security video later, and laughing...

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  4. Duh!!!! Those symptoms you mentioned are called hypoglycemia. Anyone could pass out from that even if you were not high or did not smoke/vape/eat.
  5. Some personal notes here that might be of use:

    -I have NEVER fainted when smoking alone, ever.
    There may be a social component to my mechanism of pot related fainting, possibly an anxiety thing. Keep this in mind.
    -I usually feel it coming on in the midst of a conversation. Why? Who knows, -not important right now.

    Bonus tip for those that may never want an employer to know that you smoke recreationally:
    Do not discuss this with your doctor, if you want to get checked out, leave the pot part out.
    Here's why:
    If you happen to get injured at work, your compensation provider will ask for a medical history (at least for the past couple of years) you do not want your records to include this information, because it could be used against you. Don't do it!

    I was injured at work recently, a very very painful Injury that.. You guessed it, made me feel faint ( I was not high).
    Due to my almost fainting episode, my doctor wanted me to get my heart checked out. I had an echocardiogram done, and the results were that my heart has "above average function" for my age/height/weight. This was nice to hear, and also rules out the ability to blame my fainting on a circulatory issue.
    I am 43 years old, 5'10'', 192lbs. Not overly athletic, average fitness.

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  6. Every fainting episode I have had has occurred within 30 minutes of smoking.
    The above "duh" comment is noted, but I have never fainted to unconscious no matter how little I have eaten, (and I am bad for that) unless I smoke weed on top of it. My target audience here is people like me anyway, who are trying to figure this out. Whoever has it figured out already, hats off to you!

    Immediately after one of my full on faints, a diabetic friend of mind tested my blood sugars with his tester. I thought it was a great idea, however, my blood sugar was perfect. My fainting is not a blood sugar issue, but I know eating beforehand helps, whether it is psychological or physical is open to debate.

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  7. Okay, so you had one hoot too many. Maybe your buddy got a cool new pipe you had to try, and you are starting to feel really hot, and a little dizzy.

    How to stop it:
    -quickly wash your face with cold water. Run the cold water over your wrists for a few minutes until it passes. You are trying to cool yourself. Be vigilant with how you feel and be ready to sit down quickly to
    avoid a fall.

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  8. -A cold towel on your forehead works wonders, ask a friend for one, quick!

    Don't want to cause a scene? Try these classic anti-faint methods:

    -Clench your fists and squeeze your legs together.
    -lean forward with your head between your legs

    These are to do with raising blood pressure in your brain, and include laying down and elevating your legs (pretty noticeable in a crowd)

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  9. So that's pretty well all I have right now. The key is to recognize and accept that this happens to you, and take it easy! The more potent the weed the more risk is involved. Do you know your weed? I can smoke bunk-weed all day long, but I live in BC Canada, most weed around is amazingly potent. You should also avoid vaporizers, or eating weed. It is too difficult to gauge your intake with these methods. For me, I now limit my tokes to just two hits max, and reassess after about an hour. I have issues when I don't pay attention when around my chronic smoker friends, but am getting a lot better at assessing myself.

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  10. #10 Life is Peachy, May 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2014
    Only time I have fainted from weed, i'd barely ate all day prior to smoking. 
    Lesson learned, Oh  and fresh air also helps when you know you've had enough lol
  11. My friend used to do that lol it was weird as fuck
  12. It happened to me once. Fell and got a concussion. Make sure to eat and hydrate before you smoke!

    Also if you are seeing red and can't lie down sit down and put your head in between your knees
  13. Troll!
    Get this fucking propaganda out of here!


    But uhhh... I think if people dont know these obvious facts, they shouldn't ve smokingin the first place.
    They'll learn.... Or get gatewayed lol
  14. All things said to your doctor is confidential.. if they leaked any info they could lose their job.
  15. Well as long as marihuana wasn't mentioned specifically in your file. You have to authorize the workers compensation people to get your medical history for the previous two years if you are injured, or no compensation. That's here in Canada though..

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