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marijuana and epilepsy

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by glyc, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. hi, this isn't strictly about medical marijuana because i never intended it to be medical, it kind of happened incidentally along the way. so if this is in the wrong place please move it.

    basically i'm epileptic, i experience grand mal, petit mal and absence seizures. i've smoked recreationally for 7 years or so but i never really became a proper stoner until early last year when i was going out with a guy who always wanted to smoke. it sort of went on after we broke up, i got myself reliable dealers, i moved out of home, etc etc. before all this, i was very heavily reliant on my medication - if i went to bed without taking my epilim, i would definitely get a grand mal seizure (which is what you're probably thinking of when you think of a seizure) or at the very least an extended petit mal, which is basically a lot of spasming and problems in my vision, except in petit mals you remain conscious. anyway the longer i smoked, the more i noticed i could get away without taking my medication. which i enjoyed bc its side effects are numerous and annoying.

    then i went on holidays about a month ago, didn't smoke the whole week and had a seizure one night for the first time in nearly a yr. but, at the same time, it was very late, i'm pretty sure i forgot my medication and i'd been drinking heavily all night.

    anyway, fast forward to now. in the last week or so i've decided to just stop smoking for a while, i smoke too much, too often, i smoke instead of seeing friends, i failed 3 classes last semester because i was always getting stoned instead of going to class etc. i'm not saying i'm never going to do it again or anything but i'm definitely going to abstain for a while while i try and fix up my life and get my degree back on track. blah blah blah, the crux of it is this morning i woke up and had something, i'm not 100% sure if it was a grand mal but it was definitely very scary. it was some kind of seizure, i had the 'aura' (flashing colours in your vision which i always experience before a seizure),my right side was spasming. i'm pretty sure i was conscious for the whole thing because i managed to call my father during it, but for about 30-40 minutes afterwards i had trouble communicating and apparently i was moving strangely. i very definitely took my medication last night so that wasn't the cause. i've read some vague things about weed as a preventative for epilepsy but my doctor said it was bullshit. however he's reasonably conservative. does anyone have any knowledge, insight or experience?

    sorry about the length and rambling :)
  2. I'd listen to your doctor, or get a second medical opinion from another doc. I know my cousin who had major head trama cannot do any drugs, and if he smokes it could cause him to have a seziure... so i'm not sure it would prevent seziurez.. but im no doctor. I hope all is well for you, and i know how it feels to fail a class because of pot... mind over matter! no more procrastinating for me.. at least i try not to

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