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Marijuana and crohns disease

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by lilfic, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Hello all,

    I was recently diagnosted with crohns disease afters many bouts in the hospital the past 6 months and 3 surgerys. I just have to say how amazing marijuana has been for me for my symptoms (nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, no appetite). I live in IL so i cant currently get MMJ, which sucks. But i was just wondering how Medical marijuana has helped others with not only crohns but any type of painful/chronic disease.

  2. Best of luck man!

    Glad to hear marijuana helps!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. A friend of mine has this. Sorry for you and glad you have found that MMJ is a medication that can help and not "The Devil's Weed"

    A question for you... How did you feel about MJ before this experience? No judgement, seeking understanding...
  4. [quote name='"lilfic"']Hello all,

    I was recently diagnosted with crohns disease afters many bouts in the hospital the past 6 months and 3 surgerys. I just have to say how amazing marijuana has been for me for my symptoms (nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, no appetite). I live in IL so i cant currently get MMJ, which sucks. But i was just wondering how Medical marijuana has helped others with not only crohns but any type of painful/chronic disease.


    I'm 20 and have been diagnosed with Crohns for two years now. Marijuana has helped like you wouldn't believe. They had me on all types of Anti Acid pills which were causing havoc to my body. I ended up with open wounds in my stomach and intestinal lining. A lot of pain. I had a few surgeries as well and finally refused to take my pills because of the negative side effects.. Medical cannabis helps me regulate my eating pattern and live a much more enjoyable life. I will be a promoter of medical cannabis for the rest of my life and I plan on helping people discover the truth about it.
  5. Hey.
    I have had Crohn's and ulcerative colitis for about 10 years. I have been smoking and growing my own meds for about 4 years now. Mj has changed my life unbelievably. I went on asacol, 12 pills a day and it helped with the frequent bathroom trips but I was still nauseous and had cramps and zero appetite.
    At a BBQ a friend shared a smoke with me and I couldn't believe the difference it made. And i wasn't even that high, barely even a buzz, but I enjoyed eating for the first time in over 5 years. I weighed the options between buying off the street and growing, and within 6 months I had started a garden.
    Since I have added MJ to my Med routine (I smoke a little every night, about a gram a week) I have been able to reduce my medication. I now take apriso, only 4 pills a day. I have less anxiety. I can maintain a healthier weight. I am no longer depressed. I am more productive at home and at work. I no longer drink alcohol. And I am a better father and husband.
    It would sound odd to those who haven't experienced it the way that I have, but using cannabis is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

  6. Well i used to smoke it before i knew i had crohns disease sometimes for fun other times i would get sick often and smoke to feel better but honestly no doctor has been able to provide me with a medication that does what weed does for helping manage this disease.
  7. Hey man. I had ulcerative colitis for a few years (say had because I'm now colon-less) and marijuana was a lifesaver for the last year or so. Nausea, pain, vomiting, lack of appetite, insomina, it helped with it all. I'm really resistant to medications in general (Remicade, 6-MP, 5-ASA drugs, anti-nausea stuff, and pain meds. Really makes a difference. I didn't really smoke much before this, but now I smoke every day.
  8. There are some pretty lengthy threads if you do a search, and there are a number of Crohn's peeps here that share in their beneficial experiences with cannabis. I was diagnosed in 06 and the herbage has helped me a ton. My GI I've told once and he's not made an issue of it since, as I am doing really well between it and the Remicade infusions. Hadn't used it for at least 12 years prior. Only got the idea from seeing it attempted to be passed for medicinal use here. Glad I tried it.
  9. I have colitis and can attest the benefits of cannabis with IBD. Last time I had a flare (over a year ago) I would smoke to ease the pain and it also keep me from making a bathroom run every 30 mins. It also increased my appetite. My colitis is rather mild so I don't use cannabis for medicinal use too much but if my stomach starts to act up I have some on hand just in case. I'm also on asacol but only 3 a day. One other thing I HIGHLY recommend is probiotics for any form of IBD. I take about 20 billion CFUs a day an it makes a world of difference!
  10. Marijuana and Crohn's Disease (anecdotal - 1997) Crohn's Disease by Marilyn Loskot

    Crohn's Patients Report Symptomatic Relief From Cannabis (news - 2005)
    Crohn's Patients Report Symptomatic Relief From Cannabis: The Hempire - [cannabis, uk]

    Cannabis Helps Ulcers And Crohn's Disease (news - 2006)
    Cannabis Helps Ulcers And Crohn's Disease: The Hempire - [cannabis, hemp]

    Medical Marijuana and Crohn's Disease (news – 2009)

    Cannabis for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease treatment (news - 2009)

    The Cannabinoid 1 Receptor (CNR1) 1359 G/A Polymorphism Modulates Susceptibility to Ulcerative Colitis and the Phenotype in Crohn's Disease (full - 2010)
    The Cannabinoid 1 Receptor (CNR1) 1359 G/A Polymorphism Modulates Susceptibility to Ulcerative Colitis and the Phenotype in Crohn's Disease

    Treatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study. (full – 2011)

    Science: Treatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study
    (news – 2011)
    International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    The Gastrointestinal Pharmacology of Cannabinoids: Focus on Motility. (full – 2012)

    Genetic Epidemiology and Pharmacogenetics in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (abst -2012)
    Irritable bowel synd... [Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Methods, Mechanisms, and Pathophysiology. Genetic epidemiology and pharmacogenetics in irritable bowel syndrome (abst – 2012)
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Methods, Mechanisms, and Pathophysiology. Genetic epidemiology and pharmacogenetics in irritable bowel syndrome
  11. Hey there, I've been a sufferer of crohns for 6 years now and cannabis has helped so much I my day to day life but I dont know if any of youse guys have heard of immune system dampener treatments like adulimab (i think its spelled) basically what it does is takes away those nasty anti-bodies that's causing that inflammation in your bowel, i was on another treatment similar to adulimab and after about 3 months i felt completely normal i had my life back again able to play football train etc, i think youse guys should infact look into these sort of treatments i know that if youre based in America it'll be difficult to get such treatments as they'll be expensive I'm sure, i live in the UK which we have free health care meaning it'll more accessible over here, but yeah i think these treatments will impact your life in a large but positive scale!
  12. I always like to hear other people's stories and here are a few that took cannabis with their Crohns. Crohn’s – Cannabis Health Radio
  13. I have my med card for celiac disease which is apparently related in some ways.

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