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Marijuana and Asthma Questions...

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by mhaze21, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. I have had asthma my entire life. I was in the hospital for the first 6 months of my life because of it. I started smoking green when I was 13 (13 years ago) and I can truly say that it has helped me. I used to carry my inhaler everywhere with me but now I am fine. The only time I need it is when I get really really sick which does not happen very often. I have smoked at least a half zip of dank a week for the last 6 years and I have not had any problems at all. Hope this helps .

  2. very interesting thread all around...
  3. honestly? it does? and did? i actually like the smell of cigs but i almost tried it. it's worse then marijuana right? i have asthma my last attack was maybe 4 or 5 years ago:smoke:
  4. Looks like this thread has recently had it's 6 year anniversary, but for what it's worth I've never noticed any effect on my asthma, but then maybe I don't smoke enough. :smoke:
  5. Except for an OD I'm working my way through right now I've been treating my Asthma for a year now. The trick is to not smoke your medicine. I don't even like to Vape it. I just got done writing a long one on the OD, and feel to ugly right now to write another big one. Just take a sub-lingual dose mixed in oil or a tincture.
  6. The first time I realized this really worked is when I had been smoking a few cigs at a friends birthday bash and I had a massive meal and all of a sudden I could not breath like literally could not catch a breth and then I had some morrocan pollum blonde hash in a pipe and BOOM the breathlessness instantly went away, god bless the herb and all its wonders!

  7. That.... Is actually really cool, thanks!
  8. #68 Asthmatic, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2012
    Your Welcome!

    Got my first full night's sleep since I started ODing in three days last night and am feeling way better this AM.

    If you Dr has you on inhaled steroids for Asthma and you have a Rec. consider replacing them with the MMJ both oils and tinctures work. 1 to 3 drops at a time in the mouth and hold it there. You want the MMJ to diffuse across your mucosa and part of what does will slide down into your lungs. (ever cough up Milk or Chocolate?) I try to dose 3 to 6 times a day depending on need. Less is more as far as how many drops you use at a time, you can put 1 in and wait till you can not taste it any more before taking the next. Your trying to not swallow the dose. Start the MMJ first at 2 drops 4 times a day, take it by the clock, then a week later start tapering off the steroids.

    It can be used for rescue also but I don't like to use it that way my self though I do when I have to. Inhaling a cold vape or vaping through your nose cuts down on rebound asthma.

    Differential Roles of CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoid Receptors in Mast Cells1


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