Marijuana addictive? Your opinion.

Discussion in 'General' started by powertopeeps, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Lately [actually for a while] I've been wondering if marijuana is actually more addictive than people deem it to be. I know the "It's not addictive as if your body actually needs it but your mind might make you feel like it" and the "It's addictive as anything else. Video games, Tv, it can be addictive to anything" statements.

    What i want to know is, what do you think.

    I do marijuana as a recreational event and I had started last year. All throughout high school and even a little of middle school [my best friend smoked since 6th grade] all I ever heard, gossiped and what most people talked about was getting high. I was okay with it, I turned down the peer pressure, laughed at the jokes, and was even able to sit and watch my friends get high and not do it. One day, I finally did try it. Honest to God it seems like thats all my thoughts ever revolve around now. Pot has been on my mind since August of last year, when I tried it. What I could be doing or

    my favorite part of weed, MAKING! I love building stuff and building my tool to smoke was almost always on my mind, whether it be the building utensils or the thing which I shall craft. Pot's almost always on or around my mind. Some of my friends get high everyday and that makes me question myself. When I was little, I promised my mother I'd never try drugs. What's wrong with being sober? It's alright, it's what I am most of the time, weed makes you lazy and laugh allot, but it also burns you out and makes you improperly express yourself. You could lose everything in a matter of seconds if caught. It can also make you be looked upon my society. It is, no matter what you say a drug and a mind altering substance. Why don't cancer patients feel pain? Answer simple, they are too stoned to feel it. When you get hurt in a game, adrenaline comes in a matter of seconds to the wound and you no longer feel it, but afterwards, once you're calm, it hurts like a bitch. Weed does the same thing, your hurt, you light up, no pain, come down, pain, so you have to light up and you need to.

    Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but what's your belief on this "wondrous" "addictive" herb?
  2. There are no opinions.

    Physically addictive: No.

    Psychologically addictive: To some.

  3. Some people feel the same as you. I have no problem going from smoking to not smoking though. I guess it varies from person to person.
  4. k smith, no matter what you do or say, there will always be an opinion. Which, is why racism will never die.

    I just feel like it's been on my mind ever since I started smoking.
  5. That's pretty much it right there. it's not a physically addictive drug; but it, like most things, can be mentally addicting.
  6. Physically hell no, but mentally maybe.

    Whenever i dont have herb i find myself posting on this site way more and thinking about taking fat BT's. But it is nothing like the mental addiction the coke gave me.
  7. I feel you. I just meant there isn't one on this topic. Can't really have an opinion about medical fact. Thats like saying "In my opinion, cancer is good for you."
  8. Days without weed don't bother me one bit. I'm the same person with or without it. I think it all has to do with will power and how easily you are with becoming psychologically addicted to something.
  9. people can get addicted to anything, so yes.
  10. seeing as you can be a food addict or sex addict, you can be a pot addict too. but its not a physical addiction. i've gotten hooked on pills before. stopping those is HARD. like, fucking hard. weed is nothing. i guess you'll have to get addicted to something hard before you'll really see the truth of it.
  11. not physically addictive, but it does help with so many physical pains/aches that not doing it can be really really shitty

    its all in your head, some ppl can get "addicted" to it but that is just because they are to weak minded to have control over themselves and what they need/dont need.
  12. I know it is not physicaly addictive, but I also pretty much ONLY think about weed.
  13. its that difference between things that are addictive and things that are habit forming.when you fiend out you really want to smoke,but it dosent physically hurt like if your trying to get off heroin.if you just go for awhile and preoccupy yourself,youll soon forget about it.
  14. When you smoke everyday, you continue to want it. I wouldn't say its psychologically addicting. But it is habit-forming.
  15. Some people are mentally addicted to it.

    It isn't physically addictive though.

  16. I agree with that . I use to think that bud was really addictive . That was until I got addicted to hard drugs . They make pot addiction seem like childs play .

    It is definitely mentally addictive though . But relative to other drugs it's very mild . I guess if you've only been addicted to bud then it would probably seem pretty addictive , that's just because you don't have anything to compare it to though .
  17. i can definitely relate to what you said about how its all you think about. it seems like weed is always on the back of my mind, especially now that i havent been smoking due to being busted. honestly i wonder if i will ever come to a point when its not on my mind, if the time comes that i wont be able to smoke anymore.
  18. I've always felt that marijuana can only be addictive to people with addictive personalities. There are people who can moderate what they do and there are those who find something that feels or taste good and they want to put everything down and just do that one thing. Marijuana is as a addictive as chocolate cake is to fat people. Thats why I think that the age you begin to smoke weed is very crucial to how you will use the plant. When your young your not responsible enough to moderate yourself. Pot doesnt make you quit highschool, addictive personalities and immature attitudes make you quit highschool. If you allow a little kid to eat candy everyday that is what that kid will do. Same goes with pot. Younger kids start smoking pot and they want to put everything down just to smoke. Moderation is the key.
  19. anything can be addictive.

    i could be addicted to food, but that's not the foods fault. thats my mentality.

    but does it FORCE addiction? hell no. are there withdrawals? negative. do i FIEND for the drug? no.
  20. I wouldnt say addictive..but i do crave it like i crave a cigarette but if there isnt weed oh well u know :p

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