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Marijuana Addiction and Withdrawal

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheSublimeIbis, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I have recently had an incident, and the short of it is that I can't smoke anymore. Period. For at least like the 3 or 4 months until summer. Long and unnecessary story, so I won't elaborate further.

    Background Info: I've been smoking almost a year. I've taken breaks for as long as 2 months, with the shortest increments between smoking being a few hours at my heaviest use points. Whenever I've had to quit before, I didn't have a problem with it. I never REALLY missed it for more than a week, and after that it didn't really even come to mind. But, after about 2 or 3 months of very frequent use (I'm talking 4 to 5 times a week, every week), I have to quit. Well it's going to be a week tomorrow, and I've noticed some very strange, very alarming symptoms that I've been encountering, that are leading me to believe I was addicted to Marijuana, and for the past week have been sufferring from withdrawal.

    My symptoms included:

    ~ Extreme anger and mood swings. This was the most alarming symptom. I've never gotten this angry, this quickly, at this little before. It was astonishing.
    ~ Insomnia
    ~ Depression
    ~ Irritability
    ~ Intense Anxiety
    ~ Physical Tension/Pain
    ~ Horrible headaches, including swelling of eyes, acute light sensivity, etc.
    ~ Stomach Pain
    ~ Restlessness
    ~ Increased aggression
    ~ Strange, vivid, angry dreams. I dreamt I kicked the shit out of my best friend, and could recall every detail of it, including the events that came before and after the fight.

    Now the reason I wrote included like that is because I only had these symptoms for about 4 or 5 days after quitting.

    Another thing weird was that I didn't get cravings for weed at all until today, a few days after the "withdrawal" symptoms subsided. When I was having these withdrawal symptoms, I had no cravings whatsoever.

    This is different from previous times that I have quit, being that the other times, I didn't get most or any of the above symptoms, but the cravings were there the first day.

    The only reason I'm posting this thread is because the problems mentioned above were so bad, I was almost at the point of seeing a psychiatrist. I was too moody, angry, depressed, and all-around emotional to even be functioning for a few days.

    I 100%, without a doubt, believe that these symptoms were Marijuana Withdrawal.

    Has anyone ever experienced this?
  2. I had a similar situation and found some of these symptoms, but I believe that its more of a change in routine that you have to get use to more then anything withdrawl related.

  3. Normally I'd agree, but I simply can't explain to you how severe these problems were. I remember remarking to myself that I felt these problems were "chemical", in that they were due to changes occurring in my body, and not something I was simply inflicting through negative thought or whatever.

    Either way, I definitely believe they were too brutal to be due, even in part, to a change in routine.
  4. i experience alot of symptoms listed here as well
    when i am not high.
    due to loss of normal routine.
    was sad that i was missing out on my favorite thing to do.
    break weed up and smoke it.


  5. Withdrawl symptoms have been cited as being "very minor and nothing compared to that of other, harder drugs."

    as anyone who has ever had withdrawls from another drug, marijuana withdrawls are nothing and should be fairly easily dismissable.
  6. #6 Basement Toker, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Nope, that was addiction, plain and simple.

    MJ isn't addictive in the physical sense, aka it takes over normal bodily functions so you may die without it, but it can become a mental addiction, and your body can get pissed at you for breaking it's pattern of being high/ getting THC, thus withdrawl.
  7. You've been using weed to lessen the emotional impact of life, and now your brain needs to readjust to sobriety. It takes time and healthy living.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. What do you mean by stomach pains, I have had problems where in the morning I have felt sick but when I go to throw up it's only stomach acid.

    Are you experiencing a lost in appetite at all? that could be where your stomach pains are coming from, when ive gone from heavy toking to taking a break I would have no appetite for a little under a week until my body got used to going without the drug, mornings were also rough during the beginning of a break.

  9. Yeah this is what happens to me for like, one or two nights when I start breaks, I don't smoke heavily, it's very watered down, I only notice it when it takes me a little longer to get to sleep.
  10. The only input I could give is that I smoke everyday, multiple times a day and I have no problems abruptly quitting for days or weeks at a time. I find that in a way I feel more refreshed, in a way like life has brightened and I don't miss mj at all. I never noticed any strange psychological behaviors during a break yet.
  11. Smoke more than usual :smoke: :hippie: :bongin:
  12. You can't be physically addicted to marijuana, only mentally. You cry when you don't have it because you tell yourself you want it. You miss that feeling because nothing in your life is better. Don't make it sound like you're a meth head bud, just control your fiending.

  13. dude, it's just weed

    pick up a new hobby
  14. This.

    Try knitting or something.
  15. I am also taking a break from smoking and I have noticed that I get angered so easily. Anything can make me explode. An example is that on Saturday I went to Wal-Mart to get some dickies and they didnt have any and I flipped. I don't know why I got so mad. Usually when I am smoking, I would just shrug my shoulders and say watever and go to another walmart but I was pretty pissed. I have also noticed that I get pretty bad headaches and I cant eat nor sleep.:(
  16. Hmm.. I don't really consider 4-5 times a week VERY frequent use, I'd call it medium-frequent use because I smoked everyday for months when I could afford it, as well as plenty of my friends and no problems that I can see! :bongin: Anyway..

    The only withdrawl symptoms that I have ever experienced were:
    loss of appetite
    trouble falling asleep
    irritability (but this may have to do with my anger problems.. MJ keeps me happy and calm:smoke:)
    But to each his own man, good luck. In the meantime you can save up some money for a celebratory first smoke :hippie:
    • Like Like x 1
  17. listen man, i'm not trying to beat on you. but for real, if you're experiencing that there's something more than just withdrawal. maybe the reason you were using marijuana was to cover up a lot of problems. it made everything a hundred times better than your normal life so when you can't toke you can't deal. the people who should be smoking are people who can handle normal life, and the not so normal parts, without marijuana. i'm not saying that after a stressful day at school or work it is bad to unwind and smoke, but if it's to the point where every little aggravation you have you smoke then there's a problem. no one should be going through these symptoms from cannabis. i just went from smoking about 10 grams a week to smoking 2. i'm feeling fine, if not a little more energetic than before. i think you need to have something to take your mind off all this. and, you could be getting sick. or, your shit was laced and you were addicted to whatever was in your grass. just my two cents.

    edit: i was smoking over a quarter a week for about a year.
  18. dude you might have something else wrong with you. Marijuana does not cause physical addiction so if your body is in pain then i'd go see a doc asap. maybe if you live in a state with medical bud you'll get prescribed:smoke:
  19. The last few posts have truth. I'm a several times a day/everyday smoker. Yesterday I went on a t-break until the end of the month. Cold turkey. My symptoms: Not feeling high and a little trouble falling asleep. You might have underlying issues my friend.
  20. Ok, I think most of you have totally misconstrued what I was saying, so let me clear some stuff up:

    1) I wasn't trying to portray bud as this big, bad, addictive drug.
    2) I smoked mostly on the weekends, when I had nothing to do. The thing I was most commonly doing while high was eating, playing Fifa, listening to music, etc. So what I'm trying to say is, I wasn't getting high before class, or before exams. I wasn't smoking to alleviate majorly stressful events. I mean sure, after a hard day, I would toke it up just to chill out a little, but I never did it to escape so drastically that I lost touch with reality, so that arguement is pretty ridiculous.
    3) Its not like my life was so shitty that weed was the only thing making it bearable. Damn, you guys make it sounds like I've got nothing to live for haha.

    As for the symptoms, they've mostly subsided. I'm not really experienceing any of the ones I mentioned besides the trouble sleeping, but that's probably just do to how shitty my sleep-schedule is anyway. These symptoms lasted for about 5 days, so I'm not complaining or crying about this by any means. Just wanted to detail what was going on.

    Really didn't expect to be bombarded with people telling me how I was using marijuana, what I was using it for, and how it was effecting me, when they don't even know me. Don't be ignorant guys.:eek:

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