Marijuana abuse rant

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by JW1989, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. I'm having a hard time understanding how a non medicinal marijuana smoker can abuse it when they are doing the same thing as a medicinal smoker is doing?

    I haven't smoked in about two years and if I decide to toke tonight how am I abusing drugs.

    Cigarette smokers can fiend for a cig and no one calls it abuse. Why is that addiction tolerated? The only time you hear a complaint is when someone else smells it.

    What the f*ck is so great about alcohol? You don't even have to be an addict to act like one. The first time a disturbed person drinks could mean someone else someone else's night is F*CKED UP.

    Some people in this country (US) p*ss me off. Talking about they are trying to protect their children from the "gateway drug". Apparently it's ok to look up to a bunch of drunks that are famous for fighting, getting arrested, and passing out because they didn't control their alcohol intake.

    I'm getting tired. Bye.
  2. There is a difference between using something in moderation, and abusing it.
  3. #3 KushNMusic, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    dude, you have to realise that 95% of the people in this world are retarded
  4. Tobacco is tolerated because it is TAXED, just like alcohol, both of which are much worse for you than herb...
  5. Urban Dictionary: retarted

    Most people don't even understand addiction because they haven't tried harder drugs like me.

    Fact is that marijuana is NOT physically addictive.

    And I believe almost anything can be mentally addicting, anywhere from cookies to sex, problem is most people don't like to put the blame where it belongs, I never seen a blunt break a pipe or a beer beat the shit out of it's spouse.
  6. Werd.
  7. It's all about the law. Someone craving a cigarette is reacting to a physical addiction, but it's legal. Somebody smoking weed because they feel like it is illegal. It's not about quantity or danger, but political opinion. Abuse is categorized by partaking in a substance to excess. Marijuana is currently illegal, so one joint is abuse since it's beyond the guidelines of the law.
  8. [quote name='"deoxygenated"']There is a difference between using something in moderation, and abusing it.[/quote]

    I'm aware.

  9. yea dog, i feel ya ~_~
  10. OP,

    the smoker who is using it for a truly medicinal reason (AIDS, Glaucoma, etc.) has WAY more reason to smoke everyday than the average Joe. It's not "abuse" because for them it's a necessity, not just pleasure seeking.

    You aren't.
  11. This reminds me of online dating. Page after page of people with booze in one hand, cigarette in the other, out at some bar with those doing the same, and they have the gall to say they won't date a "druggie." People are hypocritical idiots. They just aren't told often enough. LOL!

  12. umm..."retarded"


    ;) -j/k!
  13. #13 Snugglebandit, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    You can abuse cannabis. Doesn't mean if you are a regular user that you are abusing it. If you smoke 24/7 and use it as a crutch/excuse to do things you need to get done, then i would say its likely abuse.

    Also, i do call cigarette smokers addicts to their face, and tell them to stop abusing drugs. They don't seem to like it too much. lol
  14. I love how they call it a "gateway drug." I tried cocaine, mdma, acid, shrooms waaay before I even smoked weed in my teenage years. Now I am completely sober besides the occasional toke. I don't even drink and haven't for a few years now.
  15. I'm the other side of that coin, i've smoked cannabis for about 6 years now and with the exception of once using E, i've never touched or thought about using any other 'illicit' drug.

    The gateway theory has been disproved on so many levels I can't help but cringe whenever people talk about it as a legitimate concept.
  16. [quote name='"Snugglebandit"']You can abuse cannabis. Doesn't mean if you are a regular user that you are abusing it. If you smoke 24/7 and use it as a crutch/excuse to do things you need to get done, then i would say its likely abuse.

    Also, i do call cigarette smokers addicts to their face, and tell them to stop abusing drugs. They don't seem to like it too much. lol[/quote]

    Lol. Nice
  17. If the government made tax dollars off of marijuana then its image would go from gateway drug to the gate drug that stops you from doing other drugs.

    People can complain about it all they want, but the fact of the matter is if it makes the government money and they can regulate it=there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. If it doesn't make them money/can't be regulated=will ruin your life and is made by Satan and an alarmingly large portion of the population will be dumb enough to think they are being told the truth.
  18. Also think of it this way, how can marijuana be a gateway drug when its already schedule 1, making it the most dangerous. How can a "hard" (according to FEDS) drug lead to "less" hard drugs, pills, meth and crack/coke (all schedule 2)?
  19. [quote name='"Robot Mania FU"']If the government made tax dollars off of marijuana then its image would go from gateway drug to the gate drug that stops you from doing other drugs.

    People can complain about it all they want, but the fact of the matter is if it makes the government money and they can regulate it=there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. If it doesn't make them money/can't be regulated=will ruin your life and is made by Satan and an alarmingly large portion of the population will be dumb enough to think they are being told the truth.[/quote]

    Good points
  20. [quote name='"jmick"']Tobacco is tolerated because it is TAXED, just like alcohol, both of which are much worse for you than herb...[/quote]

    True. I never thought of it like that.

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