Marcos Breton: Still can't get right...

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Bucky, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I honestly have tried to explain to this guy in the most un-bais ways possible that the laws governing Cannabis need to be changed.

    Yet I honestly believe, (since his articles are public on CADFY's website) that he is a pure Prohibition lobbyist. He has produced another article in support of the prohibition of cannabis, even though I have sincerely taken time out of my life to explain to him the need for change.

    (Refer to: Marcos Breton: America must think California is stoned)

    Here is his article (Again... ~.~)

    Marcos Breton: California dazed and confused over legalizing pot - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

    To be perfectly honest, I am curious now if some of the article was directed to me, I highly doubt it but who knows.

    But one thing I did get out of this article is you CA registered voters get the chance to finally reform the laws that govern cannabis.

    Contrary to his opinion, I think it a great step for cannabis law reform.

    Keep it up Cali, and if your not registered to vote GET REGISTERED!

    Please share your thoughts...

  2. My answer to all these people who think that all the other arguments are cop out arguments, even though we have the science behind them, is;

    The current prohibition is the single largest source on income to drug cartels and is the result of not only street violence but also the reason millions of Americans are clogging the prison system. Not to mention the enforcement of these laws could frankly be argued to be a form of racism due to the huge disproportionate amount of arrests of minorities.

    In my experience that has shut up a lot of people. The ones that won't change their mind no matter what I just call morons. If a person can tell you that something is right in spite of every piece of evidence saying it is wrong then they are just stupid.

    I might be one of those rare MJ users but, I acctualy like the idea of a justice system and think that Police provide a very valuable service. The problem I have is that I see this as just a complete travesty of that justice. In my opinion the Government should never be in the buisness of legislating morals and this is just another example of them doing that.
  3. Agreed with all of that. Especially since I've been down in San Antonio. Apparently a bunch of the smaller towns around here are getting fucked over by the cartels. You that's only exacerbated by prohibition.
  4. "but doesn't reflect the reality of what life would be like here if the masses were walking around high."

    I imagine we would be enjoying ourselves and not so worried about the material things and things that dont matter.

    Use that situation for any drug and look at the difference... a bunch of drunks? falling around and driving into buildings and pedestrians. How about xanax? All fucked up and rowdy...

    God forbid we smile at nothing or laugh for no reason, or forget the pointless conversation we had with a friend 5 minutes ago.

    The world would be better.
  5. #5 morefreedom, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    "but doesn't reflect the reality of what life would be like here if the masses were walking around high."

    What about the masses walking around drunk? Hypocrite

    Prohibition just means that everyone (including the government and organized crime) wins except for the American taxpayer.

    " "Let the people decide," is the cop-out du jour.

    That's how we got into this mess in the first place. "

    Oh yeah god forbid letting the people decide!!! No way! Fuck that!

    We don't live in a democracy or Republic or anything.

  6. That mad me lol :D. Good points. I would laugh at people like this, their undeniable ignorance. But the thing is, they have power, so it kinda stops being humorous :(
  7. I really can't believe the last line, "Let the people decide, is the cop-out du jour.

    That's how we got into this mess in the first place. "

    good one.

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