Yet another Prohibition Activist... Marcos Breton: America must think California is stoned - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee Yet I'm tired of it, accusing us the Anti-Prohibition community of being the "uninformed public" Here is my FULL rebuttal letter: I'm tired of all the propaganda and lies it NEEDs to stop!!!!! And don't think I just posted that here I sure the fuck emailed my rebuttal to him prior to posing this.
I don't know if it it's the fact that I still live a kid life (attending university, not working 9-5) but I really don't understand why people care about other peoples marriages. Like seriously, do they reallly have the balls to tell gay people that they can't get married, even though it has NOTHING at all to do with their life? And to about the "The forces arguing against gay marriage say the point of "traditional" marriage is making babies and building a foundation for families." saying that is just childish. I know lots of married couples with no kids.
Dude you don't know some people and religion, never fuck with some people and their religion dude. Jesus christ. When you meet a Religious Zealot or some "Holy Rollers" you will know why. Immoral shit like gay marriage and shit, way worse in their eyes than cannabis legalization, haha. The church in my opinion is pretty fucked up, always has been and probably always will be. I don't need ANOTHER organized body telling me how to live MY life. I feel bad for the people who just want to make their shit official and stuff you know, like god forbid their significant other is in the hospital and shit, guess what you can't make any decisions you aren't related to them. I don't feel as strongly about it as I do weed but.. yeah I know people who are openly gay and what the fuck man they are just like everyone else..
Yeah people like to not make any sense. That's why we have crazy stuff like cannabis prohibition as well. The average response I hear to the gay marriage argument is this: "They're fags!" Which is just disgusting ignorance.
Nice work on the rebuttal letter. Post any replies you get back, although I doubt the guy will after being so thoroughly denounced.
I didn't even realize there was a comment box, but I seen his email address so I think it was better for me to just address him directly anyways. Yeah he hasn't responded yet and I doubt he will. After reading all the comments it seems I'm not the only one upset by his slander.
It has been almost a week and still I have not gotten a response from the writer of this, so I thought I would follow up. Now I'm calling him out:
Thanks for the update. Goes to show how easy it is for misinformation to get put out there, with little to no accountability towards the author. +rep for trying though.
I think this author needs a new job Also wow look at what someone said on the comments page, this is horrible. Why do people do crap like this? "I am all for legalizing marijuana as soon as pot advocates admit what a lying bunch of hypocrits and weasels thay are. The pot issue has little to do with medical assistance. It is mainly about trying to legalize and corner a piece of the illegal drug market, and make big bucks. I am waiting for some honest person to simply say "Dude, I want to be a legal drug dealer. It's tough hiding my pot stashes, and selling on street corners. I want to go legit, and I want to sell to anyone who has the cash to pay" I would applaud and reward that person with a legal pot franchise. But most are claiming to be selling "medicinal marijuana" for the sick, the aged, the blind...they are doing it for the children. Hyprocrisy doesn't sell well to the voters. Don't expect public approval to legalize pot unless advocates come clean and just admit - we advocate a lifestyle of tune out, drop out and stay stoned. Good luck with that." How can someone even think like this?
I'm all for saying that I would like to see legitimately sold Cannabis, I would email them personally, it's not about the medical issues, or there would be no reason to decriminalize it because California already has a Medical Marijuana Program. It's the simple fact that regardless of the law people are going to use it, me personally, I have used it prior to research, then I researched it and I developed an acceptance of it. One thing I will dispute about it, it's not about the drugs, at least for me personally, it's about Cannabis in particular. How can something that has never harmed anyone be so illegal? That was the question I asked myself while I smoked in '08. Then in '09 my ex-girlfriend said it would be fun to have a resolution to smoke everyday. Now I was all for it but in order for me to do it, I would have had to do something constructive during the process. So I answered my own questions I had about Cannabis. I just checked my email and found this.
What this Marcos does not understand is that marijuana legalization and gay rights are the same issue. It has to do with personal freedom and the legislation of morality. That article was so closed minded. You could throw abortion in there too. There never should have been these kind of laws in the first place.
Does this guy not understand that this is the Internet and it doesn't matter if your name is l33t hax0r1434427 or Bobby Adam Smith because those could both be the same person. This guy is the stupidest journalist alive.....
hahaha damn im really looking forward to reading this debate. i was hoping this would be resolved by the time i finished reading but oh well toss in the suspense element. And respec to my man bucky keep questioning
HAHA. this is going epicly. I have an open challenge to all of my conservative family to present me with a reason not to smoke besdes it's illegal. They just sever contact with me because they know they can't win after the first few volleys.
Ah, the moment I have been waiting for. Both the email received and the reply is both long winded. He raised some good points, but non of which leads me to support prohibition. If your up for the read then I believe that is might end up being a great debate. His letter to me: He raised a lot of good point, of course the federal government is keeping their closed door policy. He seems convinced I have a fondness for the word "dazzle," and that cannabis effectively ruins lives not the laws. In my response I asked him to take a step back and look at the smaller issues, rather than jumping on federal harassment, which will be something we may or may not have to endure, but I don't think it should detour the need for change. If you have any comment about either letters I would like to hear them.