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Manufacturing of hemp.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Buymeamonster, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Hello blades Im just really curious about how they make hemp from the plant, so of course my first place to turn was grasscity. If this is already a thread my bad I couldnt find it. But yeah anybody with knowledge should help me feed my curiosity!
  2. really? nobody??
  3. I got a good book back in the 90's at a lhs called "Hemp Today". I suggest you do a little reading and you will see that hemp and marijuana are very similar.
  4. Hemp is the name of the plant that can be made into hemp products, hemp is a plant that it low in THC, and grows big, and the stalk are very fibrous and strong. Cannabis is a the hemp plant but the difference is that "cannabis" is breed specifically for its THC content, making people breed to keep the plant managable. Hemp tend to grow tall and fast, but it wont cause Psychoactive effects

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