manual vs. automatic

Discussion in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' started by SparkyHempster, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Which do you prefer?
    I got my first Wrangler in manual (because its a mortal sin to drive and automatic wrangler!). I love it! I don't think I'll ever go back to an automatic.
  2. Manual cause autos are awkward to drive and i have no idea where to put my left hand and my left foot gets bored + Autos are boring to drive.
  3. I have 5 brakes (not including foot or emergency)
  4. meh i can drive both, and depending on the type of driving i am doing depends on the type of tranny i like. puttin around town an auto all the way. back country roads or a track, its gotta be a stick shift.
  5. [quote name='"InitialToke93"']Manual cause autos are awkward to drive and i have no idea where to put my left hand and my left foot gets bored + Autos are boring to drive.[/quote]

    Exactly! And I'm so used to driving manual that when I do drive automatics I keep hitting the floor with my left foot because its used to pushing the clutch lol
  6. #6 Bluntman00, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    Im 21 and my only car thus far is a 97 grand cherokee limited which is an auto, been driving it since I was 16 and I got it at over 200k :cool:. Ive driven stick before on an old cherokee sport my family has as a work truck in Maine but thats about it. I do however plan on getting a new car soon because Im getting sick of driving a truck and am looking to get a manual to learn on.
  7. Currently driving an automatic... want a manual. Sadly, the only manual I've ever driven has been a truck with a 24ft flat bed on it and it was diesel. I think if I can manage that, I can handle a car :smoke:
  8. Manual ftw
  9. I prefer a manual gearbox, but there are a few cars where I would consider an automatic. Some auto's are better than others, I abhor a CVT transmission.
  10. Manual. I love dropping into first and firing out of tight corners.:smoke:
  11. I've never dropped into first in my life.

    Only owned manuals.
  12. [quote name='"Psilocin420LSD"']Manual. I love dropping into first and firing out of tight corners.:smoke:[/quote]

    [quote name='"Shaaaft"']

    I've never dropped into first in my life.

    Only owned manuals.[/quote]

    Yeah wth.... I have never dropped it into first....
    I have when im down shifting, but its usually on accident if i drop it down to first.... It usually gives me whip lash if im going to fast....
    :confused: your probably fuckig up your car if your doing this....
  13. I see people know nothing of racing...
  14. [quote name='"Psilocin420LSD"']I see people know nothing of racing...[/quote]

    Yeah, that's racing, but on a normal street car, you're just putting unnecessary stress on your engine and drivetrain by doing that.
  15. I drive a stick. And I remember when I first learned I said I will never drive automatic again.
  16. Which is the point of having a good car.
    If you're just gonna cruise the streets then fair enough, go for automatic. If you want something you have full control to push to it's limits, go for manual.
    Driving's more than just a way of getting from point A to point B for me.:smoke:
  17. [quote name='"Psilocin420LSD"']
    Which is the point of having a good car.
    If you're just gonna cruise the streets then fair enough, go for automatic. If you want something you have full control to push to it's limits, go for manual.
    Driving's more than just a way of getting from point A to point B for me.:smoke:[/quote]

    I will drive manuals until the day I die, but there is no reason to drop it into first unless I'm going slow enough where first gear is necessary. But I'm not just gonna drop it into first and redline the whole way around a corner just for a little bit more acceleration. You sound like those one of those dickheads on crotchrockets who wheelie on the highway and speed between every car in front of you just because you can fit.
  18. I've had both and like manual I have an automatic now
  19. [quote name='"Psilocin420LSD"']
    Which is the point of having a good car.
    If you're just gonna cruise the streets then fair enough, go for automatic. If you want something you have full control to push to it's limits, go for manual.
    Driving's more than just a way of getting from point A to point B for me.:smoke:[/quote]

    I love manual because if you know how to shift it correctly it saves more gas than automatics. Dropping it to 1st and zooming around a corner is gunna kill gas and your engine. Not to mention you can save your breaks by down shifting. And i just love shifting. I love cruising the streets in stick, not automatic... And i dont race, have no reason or point to.
  20. I always loved being in neutral and seeing how far I could coast down a huge hill

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