
Discussion in 'General' started by Verdurous, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Anyone ever notice that forums are generally lacking of manners?There are so many arguments and fowl attitudes about that could easily be cured by a bit of manners; that's what they're for. The purpose of manners is to generally prevent conflict between strangers. It takes only a slight effort between both parties to make things easier on the other. On a forum, there's not really any holding doors open for people, but we should all mind our p's and q's still. There's also common courtesy when it comes to conveying information to others. Our goals should be to ensure the other party understands us, the principle purpose of a forum is to communicate. So, one should be clear and very polite if mistaken or someone mistakes them. You can't assume anyone should know your meaning. There's also general mannerisms when it comes to arguments. Arguing is not fighting, but a very useful tool for exchanging and testing one's ideas against others. One should seek common ground and agreement, not to destroy the other person's views or make themselves out to be the only one who can be right. If you are challenged on something that you know or believe has factual backing, then google a reliable source to back your claim. No one has any reason to take your word for it. However, at the same time you have no reason to doubt others and if you challenge something, ensure you have factual evidence to back up your own claims against theirs. Lastly, have in mind not everything is absolute. There is literally an infinite number of questions with multiple correct answers. There's a great deal of ambiguity in everything we talk about, so just be kind and open to the idea your opinion might not be the only one out there. Language is funny that way; use it to everyone's advantage and communicate effectively! :D

    Or maybe I should just go back to bed? :lol: I just felt like using a lot of exclamation points, by the way. It's not really all that exciting. ;)
  2. Dude, you are right, but prepare to get your thread jacked by some assholes that will just post some pics of comics and shit :(
  3. I like their funny comics though. lol Maybe I should start a sister thread for funny comics related to this thread. :lol:

    Is it just cause I'm on my itouch or is :lol: not an emoticon?
  4. Nope not a emoticon haha...
  5. I think these forums have a really good community actually. If you really want to see bad manners, head to forums. It's like 4chans offspring...really buff offspring.
  6. manners on the internet...

    yea okay
  7. #7 Verdurous, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Manners are applicable to all human interaction, especially technologically advanced forms of communication.
  8. #8 FateToker, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    People seem to forget that with the anonymity(sp?) of the internet.
  9. #9 Verdurous, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Oh me too! I just notice there isn't the usual mannerisms you'd expect when having conversations with people you don't know.
  10. #10 Verdurous, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    It's the anonymity (correct spelling btw!) that should inspire the manners though. Formalities usually set-in for strangers and are rarely used for people you know, except for things like wedding invitations.
  11. I hate people who say this. I mean, we're on an internet forum, whoever gets offended by anything directed to them must have some problems. Sure, if someone threatens to kill you and your family, then I'm sure there's a line that's been crossed. But if someone calls you an "asshole" or a "cunt", don't take it personally. And why would you? Most of the time people say those things just to get a response, and 90% of the time, the "victim" is stupid enough to respond.
  12. Pissing into the wind, OP. When there is world peace, there will be internet peace (in other words, not until every human is gone :D)
  13. I think you're right. I try to treat people on the internet the same way I'd treat them in person (I think I'm a pretty nice dude). You never know who you're gonna run into down the road. No need to build up a nasty reputation.
  14. I taught my kids that polite manners were a survival skill in a dangerous world.


  15. You must be flockin' with us

  16. #16 Verdurous, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Manners aren't about taking something personally. Manners have to do with the way society and how its members interact. Exactly where's the sense in supporting that kind of behavior anyway? You call the responder stupid, but what kind of stupidity must plague the instigator to say something like that 'just to get a response'. There's a complete lack of maturity in that. This forum is designated for those over the age of 18, by which time one should've had ample time to test societal acceptability. It's really flawed logic to be offended by someone taking offense when being offended and that's exactly what you're conveying in a way.
  17. #17 Verdurous, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Manners are not only presence in peace. War has it's courtesy, etiquette, and protocols as well. Do dismiss such a fact is to land oneself in an international tribunal.
  18. #18 Verdurous, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm really not, but bear in mind I was necessarily referring to Grasscity alone, which is generally pleasant, rather forums in general.

    Granny, your wisdom is inspiring. :) All around.
  19. lol dude sadly this isnt the victorian era. things like manners and consideration for others thoughts and opinions simply is a distant memory. which, in some ways, isnt entirly bad, it makes ideas and people write stronger threads with better arguments.

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