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Mango's a No Go

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WarIsOver, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Me and NeonTiger just ate a mango and then smoked our normal quality shit and felt less high than usual. Is all that stuff about mangoes making you more high an urban legend?
  2. Did you wait an hour+?

    Cuz I was blazed off of my ass... and was your mango ripe?
  3. You did it wrong
  4. I tried the mango thing but dont think the mangos were ripe enough to have effect. Someone suggested mango juice, Ill try that sometime.
  5. I can vouch that this works, did you follow this procedure?

    1.) slightly over-ripe mango.

    2.) after eating wait about 15-30 mins to smoke.

    That's what I have done on multiple occasions and it has worked for me. I read somewhere that it has actually been proven, I don't remember the site but I'm sure if you google it you should be able to find it no problem.

  6. If mango juice works that would be perfect, much more convenient than having to peel that mango.

    We ate the mango 20-30 minutes before we smoked
  7. post a picture similar to what you bought at the store
  8. In my own experience, it ain't no myth! at my peak tolerance last summer i could smoke bowl after bowl from my bong and hardly feel high:confused:...
    so i tried mangoes and BOOM i was smacked after a couple hits:smoke:

    "Marijuana contains a chemical called Myrcene. High grade marijuana bud generally contains a comparatively higher concentration of myrcene than low grade cannabis bud.

    Mangoes, Lemon grass, and other less-common plants also contain high amounts of this chemical. Myrcene is believed to aid the potency of the marijuana high by allowing the psychoactive chemicals found in cannabis, namely THC, to cross the blood-brain barrier more efficiently."

    ^^^thats from some website and it goes on to say that you should wait an hour before smokin after consumption. sorry your experience was less than extraordinary:(
  9. I tried it several times, never worked. Overripe, under ripe, half hour, one hour, two hours..... i tried everything, nothing worked.

  10. Next time you eat a mango, dont waste time peeling it.

    Cut the mango in half the long way, then twist the sides in opposite directions, they should both come off, remove the pit, next, make a grid of cuts and push the skin inwards, forcing cubes of mango up and away from each other, making it much easier to eat.
  11. So I gather that it was a mixture of smoking to soon after eating it and not having a ripe enough mango.

    Any sure answer on mango juice?
  12. I'm still not convinced you know what a mango is.
  13. ive done this multiple times
    best thing ive found is, eat the mango, smoke like 30 minutes to 45
    and then chill.
    its not like
    suuupppper different
    but its noticable.
  14. Anybody buy myrcene and just take that directly? I'd like to know if that works
  15. Gah.

    I hate seeing people post all these different times for the mango trick. You have to give it time to digest and that means ATLEAST 45 minutes. I've done the trick successfully within 45 minutes to an hour, and have been impatient and tried it at the 30 minute mark and it failed. Also depends on what else is in your stomach.
  16. Juice works great, you just need to buy the nice stuff that contains actual mangos and not mango "flavor", and since juice is almost always made out of overripe fruit, then there will be a decent concentration of that chemical, but this could vary with season and a whole lot of factors. I also prefer Odwalla and Naked brands of their mango juice. It also effects you quicker than just a plain mango I think, but that could be because of my faster metabolism so idk, I wait like 15min after I finish a nice tall glass, then I go smoke a bowl and it hits me a lot harder than normal. I dont think highs from mangoes lasts as long though. And if you start using them all the time then it will lose it's effect to a certain extent.
  17. I've tried it twice, gave it plenty of time, and I really can't say there was a noticeable difference.
  18. This. Digestion.

    ALSO. You need to drink mango juice, it's alot more concentrated. Eating a mango will make your high "A little higher" but your not taking all the mango in at once, if you want to maximize the intensity you need to take it all in at once.

    Also the juice is going to digest alot faster, but i suppose it wouldn't last nearly as long?:confused:

    Like what the fuck do i know about mangos and digestion, dis-regard this advice if your smart.
  19. I didn't notice a huge difference either, and ate two mangos 30 minutes before smoking. They taste good anyways so I wasn't disappointed, but that's my personal experience.
  20. Damn, now i want a mango =(

    I do the split in half and twist trick, but after I score the meat, I sprinkle it with lime juice and sprinkle some fine ground sea salt on it. My roomie likes sprinkling it with ground ancho chili.

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