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Mango Mango-Haze -- Just Harvested & Dried!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by MadCityDank, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Good evening GC :)

    Well, mostly dried. Three days in the open air now another 3-4 in brown bags. Sampling some of the itty bitty popcorn nugs at the way bottom.

    I believe the genetics are [mango x (mango x super silver haze)] by Beanho; I think that makes it 100% sativa from my research...I know SSH is a pure sativa, and all the descriptions from other mango strains indicate long flowering periods. Anywho, I harvested once I saw about 50/50 clear/cloudy, mostly because of that new High Times article saying it may be a good idea to start harvesting earlier (before trichs go amber or majority cloudy). If it is a pure sativa, then that combined with clear/cloudy trichs should make for a crazy head high :smoke:

    The one I harvested is bigger than my Rukia, the runt of the litter (the third had been a male; he was actually the best looking :( )....who is going to be a while yet, but is already looking frostier than what's pictured below; and she still has a solid 24 days to go.



  2. wow thats good shit keep it up
  3. did you wait for all the hairs to turn red befor chop? or does it turn red while drying.
  4. Well, there were a number of dark orange hairs when I chopped....couldn't give you a percentage, but some of the hairs that were white at chop time did turn dark orange as well...the picture makes it look more red than it really is. Imagine a more modest orange-red.
  5. Are you finished trimming? If so it looks really leafy.
  6. cosign. what light setup did you use?
  7. Damn man that looks super tasty, maybe just a TINY bit on the premature side, but by the looks of it, that wont matter much in the high hahahahah. How long did it flower for man?
  8. looks nice man :smoke:
  9. I admit, it was a rough trim, but I purposefully went around and made sure anything with a substantial amount of trichs would not be completely done away with (all tips are gone, of course). I plan on curing for a while; should help take the edge off of the "leafier" composition.

    4 x 55 Watt CFL (+ a little dinky desk lamp). Started in a box, outgrew it, moved to the closet. Mylar in the box, mylar and white paint in the closet. Less than ideal, but I made do.

    Thanks! Yes, it was a little premature; thought I'd give it a whirl after that High Times article about harvesting earlier. I have a second plant that I'll push longer. It flowered for 67 days after I switched to 12/12, but had been flowering for (more than) the last couple weeks of veg (me thinks).

    Much appreciated good sir :smoke:
  10. very nice man. 100% sativa is what I want. Have fun with that!
  11. #11 T r i p p i n, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    67 days is not enough for that strain IMO but still looks decent, enjoy

    Also SSH is definitely not %100 sativa.
  12. amazing :)

  13. #13 Habaniah, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    You're right it's an S/I Hybrid, Skunk (sativa), Northern Lights (indica), and haze (sativa), it can range from a 60/40 S/I on up to 70/30.

    Not sure if SSH can go higher

    That's what you gotta remember bud can range in the sativa/indica percents.

    O ya and awesome buds man
  14. As I mentioned a couple of times, I intentionally harvested early. For the sake of science :p But really, the breeder said 9.5 weeks of flowering. If you count the pre-flowering (which is flowering), it was longer than that 9.5. Yes, the trich test is the only way to truly know, so I went with earlier to compare and contrast with my other plant which will go until I see some amber....

    Google misled me :( some links made it sound like it was pure sativa, but of course the second one gave that description you gave, Habaniah.

    All in all, I'm very happy with it. Even when not fully dried (not to mention zero curing) it got me a ridic head high. It smells amazing; I can only imagine what it will look, smell, and smoke like after a month in jars.


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