Been doing some research on plant deficiencies and have come to the conclusion that i've been over fertilizing my plants. Im 5 weeks in on a sativa type plant,looks like itll be another 4-5 weeks till harvest, maybe longer. Is it safe to flush the soil and then lessen the feedings? The pot is something close to 2-2.5 gallons, MG organic cut with perlite. Thanks in advance
Well, personally I don't know if you can over feed a plant. I mean how do you force feed a plant? Anyhow to answer your question. Normally, I wouldn't flush, but seeing that you are a few weeks away from harvest, then the additional moisture won't harm anything given your high percentage of perlite in the soil. You gotta love that high % perlite when shit like this happens In theory once you flush, you have stripped everything out of the soil/medium. Therefore, you would want to continue to feed but maybe at a slightly less ec/ppm
Take plant out of pot. Run water in 5 gallon bucket soak plant break away roots from soil. Get new bag of soil. Bigger pot. Transplant into fresh soil in bigger pot. Do not water until the next day. Light water. U want 5 gallon bucket for pot plant bro. This will fix your problem and plant will explode in new growth!
^^^^^The best way even though it not optimum timing in the plants life cycle. Fucking newbs are dangerous with plant food. Go easy with that shit, a little goes a long way.