Mandala Seeds?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by ithrowcraze, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Hey Ive been really insterested in growing mandala seeds but i cant find a place that looks like it ships to the us to get them. Their website doesnt take credits cards and i dont really want to send them an MO in spain lol. Any help on this would be awesome.
  2. anyone?please help!!
  3. ha ive also been thinking about madala seeds- dr.chronics has them
  4. the attitude ships mandala
  5. ordered a pack of ganish and a pack of purple mandala #1 and sent in my cash on the 2nd ....they recieved it on the 6th and i got my seeds plus five free safari mix today the 12th and i got to say these seeds are the nicest seeds i have ever ordered fat and dark ..
    AWSOME :hello::hello::hello:
  6. Same here cept got 8 mile high,,so far only place u can get 8 mile high. The mandala purp seeds have a slight purple hue to the stripe.:smoking:

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