Man with NO HANDS rolls blunt !

Discussion in 'General' started by Potencies, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Holy shit, found this video and this guy without hands rolls a blunt and lights it. It's a nice blunt too! Dont know if this has been posted but nonetheless check this out.:smoke:

    [ame=]Man with NO HANDS rolls a blunt - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Damn...and I can't even roll a good blunt with hands, impressive.

  3. Very impressive, its cool how he busts the tree with his "hands" too :p
  4. what the fuck :laughing: that's cool as hell though

    Especially how we was grinding the nug with his no hands
  5. Yeah, mad respect to him. Nothing should stop people from enjoying the herb. :smoke:
  6. now we know that horses can roll blunts if they wanted.
  7. dat niqqa looks like Bill Cosby
  8. Marijuana - Making handicapped people complete badasses
  9. I like how they roll that shit right in a laundry mat. I'm impressed.
  10. This is amazing!
  11. this is really funny in a not fucked up hands would understand
  12. holy shit...that guy is a boss!

    hella nice blunt for a guy with no hands.

    id smoke a blunt with him anyday.
  13. i was kind of more amazed he was rolling up so freely in a business then him rolling with no hands lol
  14. Look ma no hands.
  15. it was obviously a safe place, and his boys wouldn't let the police get to him..
    pretty awesome video :smoking:
  16. Why would the police even suspect him if they did show up lol?

  17. thats what im thinking! the niqqas up in the landry mat blowing that fireeeeeeeeeee!!!:cool:
  18. feel like i was smokin his nubbins though...eck
  19. Impressive shit, I'd blaze with him

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