Last night in Hong Kong, the police received a disturbing call from a man in trouble. Xing, a 41 year-old man, was calling from LanTian park in the middle of the night. The lonely and disturbed man had apparently thought it would be fun to have sex with one of the steel sit-up benches around the park. The bench has numerous small holes in it, which Xing used to attempt to satisfy himself. However, once he became aroused he found that he was stuck and could not get his penis out of the small hole. He panicked and called the police to help him. When police arrive they found Xian stuck face down where he had been stuck for some time. When doctors arrived on the scene they tried to release some of the pressure by removing some of his blood, but the penis was so swollen that they ended up having to cut the entire bench free and take it, with Xian attached, to the hospital. this is some fucked up shit, LOL @ how small the holes are
LOLLZZ dude. When I was in Hong Kong last february, the public bathrooms have signs that say no peeing in the sink. Great stuff man.
my penis couldnt even fit in there not hard i guess what they say about small asian peniss is true at least for him
Hey man, who hasn't walked past a public park at night drunk off your ass and wondered what it would feel like to make love to a steel bench? His downfall came with the improper choice of lubricant. I find Vaseline to be the best when it comes to benches.
Can you give me some advice on the product to use when dealing with crevices in the bark of large oak trees? I'm still getting some chafing with Vaseline.
haha wow why the hell would u call the cops, he coulda just waited until his dick went soft again what a self humiliating act that was, of course ur dick is gonna get stuck when it gets hard, it does get bigger u know, well maybe not since he was asian tehehe
Maybe he just laid down on the bench for a nap and nature happened to take it's course because of his ridiculously small penis.
I am so fucking high man. Alright, no fucking the benches man. its like, a thing to! it was has feelings. alright? FEELINGS thats like, fucking a like chicken man, you dont do that. it has feelings on the inside!