Males - proper "harvesting" time

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hotp, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. hi folks
    i was just wondering since u can use the males to do hashishe, is there a period where the thc concentration is higher? i was thinking on guiding myself on the female flowering cycle.

  2. Not all males carry THC in enough quantities to make hash. Some males from certain strains are known to be as potent as the females, but unless your males have trichomes there is no point turning them into hash.

    The best time to harvest a male is when it is in full flower. There will be ball sacs everywhere and lots will be exploding pollen into the air. Males will start producing viable pollen fairly early on, but it's best to wait a couple of weeks longer to get full benefits (in regards to pollen collection).
  3. in general its a waste of time, use the cuttings from when you manicure for hash.
  4. I've made oil out of a nevilles haze male. It was about 9 ft tall before it showed sex. It had a really thick stem, so there was a lot of sap inside it.

    The sap is what contains THC in a male (just like a female has some as well).

    All we did was cut up the plant, and put it into a pale, with 99% ISO alcohol, and we got around 40g of oil. After it dried out we could actually role it into a ball, and then just take a bit off of it to smoke.

    It took quite a bit to get buzzed off it, But the high was a lot different from the normal weed I've smoked. We all thought it was quite a bit more agressive and I guess because it was a sativa, it was still up and about, with a bit of adrenaline... Although by the end of the ball we weren't to fond of it anymore.

    It just took to much to get high, and didn't really taste all that good.
  5. Unless you want seeds......destroy all males! They DO NOT contain THC. As in the real world males are good for nothing else except breeding!!
  6. thank you all for your help. i think i'll just try once to see what i end up with, and then use the biggest one for seeds :D.

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