Hello all, first grow here and thinking it may have all been for nothing haha. Can anybody confirm that this i in fact a male? Thanks in advance.
honestly i cant tell from the pic.either take more better photos or just google "cannabis preflowers" and you should be able to find out. i dont think its male but not too sure could be female but the white hairs might have not popped out?
looks like a calyx. keep and eye on it. if it looks like a ball on a stick it is time to move to an isolation room for confimation until you get confident in ID.
It does look like a calyx..wait and hope for 2 stigmas to grow out of it Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
If it is your only plant then just be patient... it will show in the next couple days and you won't be guessing it will be obvious.
Siiiiick. I was worried it wes def a male haha. Thanks again to everyone for the replies. New to this forum and nothing like a great first post experience!
I hate to pee in your Cheerios but there is no way of knowing what that is right now... like I said wait a couple days and you will know for sure. If it is female like others have said you will see the white pistils. If it is male then that little thing will start to grow a little "stem" and start to grow out from the node and other little balls will form like a grape cluster.
Nope. Just trying to be patient still until it is 100% sure. I'll update with a pic a bit later today so everybody can see progress tho if you guys want. I now have 4 more 3 week old plants under 600w HPS and we will see how that goes.
Here's a picture update. Yesterday my German Shepherd got to the plant but pretty much just wanted the soil so only damage was two pulled lower fan leaves and loosened up the soil a bunch. Still healthy though. On to the pics! (sorry some of them are pretty shitty, magnifying app on my iPhone haha)
Ok do not want to get my hopes up but do these pictures look promising? This is the highest node here and what appears to be the most developed pre flower I guess it would be. Here's the pics (as usual, sorry for crappy iPhone pics)
Hey turn your res all the way to max snap a good side pic without the maginify app, and I will enhance it for you.
Nevermind I see what looks like pistils in the second pic pretty sure. Not 100% becuase its blurry but they look like woman parts.