Male plants. How far to keep them from the females

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by garybo, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. Greetings fellow farmers.
    I'm finding a couple males among the ladies, which is what I had planed. The seeds are regular and high grade. I'm wanting to pollinate only one of the ladies, not all.

    If I place one of the males (I'll destroy the other males), along with a female about 300 meters (a thousand feet) from the grow plot, will the ladies in the grow plot be safe from being pollinated?

    If it matters, there is a wooded area between where I want to place the male/female from the main plot housing the rest of the ladies.

  2. Seems like you should be ok but maybe a chance. Anyway you can cultivate the male indoor and collect the pollen to fertilize your female.
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  3. Pollen can travel a mile
    Some say more some say less
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  4. 12 miles is a safe distance.
    Male cannabis pollen is like radioactive material. With the slightest inattention it's everywhere and on everything and all your plants are full seeded.
    Been there and done that.

    Dig up or chop off the male and place him in a cup of water. Place him in a clear plastic dry clean type bag in a separate building or property from the females. Tap him every 24 hours and collect the pollen on a plate taking care to change clothes and shower after being in the Pollen space so you don't carry pollen to the grow zone.
    With a small art paint brush or Q-tip dab a bit of pollen on a few lower buds and identify them with string or brightly colored ribbon to make them easy to find at harvest.

    Each thumb sized bud should produce a few dozen seeds and not contaminate the whole plant with seeds.

    You can do this to each of your females and get several strain crossed from the single male.

    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Do you need thousands of seeds? Because unless you need thousands you should probably just pollenate a branch rather than a whole plant.
  6. Wow, thanks for the feedback.
    After hearing what I need to do to keep my crop from being "fu_ked" , I may be changing my mind about growing a few seeds just for the kick of it.
    If I messed up our crop, I would have to hear all about my short-comings for the next year from the miss's, not worth it, believe me.
    Besides, I'm not really out anything, I knew there would be a few males in the crop and compensated for it.
    Anyway, thanks for all the answers and you guys are the greatest.
  7. Do what BNW says and chop a male branch and put it in a cup of water with the pollen sacs leaning over the outside the rim of the cup so the pollen will fall onto the piece of paper or plastic underneath. Then collect the pollen and only pollinate select branches that are marked somehow.
  8. I like that, it sound like the lazy guy way of pollinating.
  9. More like artist ninja
  10. Lazy way is throwing 2 plants together in the woods and letting it ride.

    Both ways are good

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