Just wondering what if anything can you do with a male plant apart from use it to pollinate the female for seeds, just really wanna no if male plants grow bud or not and if you can smoke it, if not can they be used for owt good or just chop em down and bin em. Hope this is correct section to ask in, thanx in advance
i dont believe they produce enough thc to even make hash out of the waste plant material. just burn em or bury em
The hash you will get is so weak and can give a really bad headache too so. Yea burn, bury or pollinate.
No, you don't get "bud." There's not a heck of a lot you can do with it other than make rope. There are those who say you can make hash with it, but that's bullshit. Like Whywaitforit says, any hash you got (little to none) wouldn't be worth shit.
when should i harvest the males for anything? before they release pollen? before the seeds mature fully? any advice please would be nice!
i strongly disagree, id rather be sober than smoke an have a huge headache. dont smoke leaves whether its male or female, make hash out of female leaves male plants dont produce any thc because they dont produce any buds, they just produce pods which doesnt have thc if your wondering. the part of the plant that produces thc are the buds, so only females produce thc. the leaves of a female plant have very little thc, but it can be extracted from makin hash. get rid of males!
just blaze up, go on a walk somewhere secluded, drop the male seeds wherever and let them grow in the wild.
What? I think it's a little late to be starting this season... And then how would you find them again? lol
do males produce seeds someone keeps telling me this but i dont bleive them because a female has to be pollentated to get seeds....right ??