Male?! (pic)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by killerbeese, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, gals. These little circle ball type clusters poped up after a couple of weeks being on a 8-16 , so im back too 19-5, they seam to grow faster on it anyways.. SO im a little scared beacuse i only have 2 plants


    Only have my camera phone so its a little blury but there right under the cut... Man i think its a male or hermie no idea grr..

    thanks ahead..
  2. looks like a male to me. Got to sacks in there.
    sorry man :(.
  3. I would lean towards male as well. Won't hurt to let it go a few more days just to be certain though.

    Good luck.
  4. oh, btw you topeed that wrong man. you dont cut the top off, you pluch the whole new stuff from the stem when its still new and it will look like a clean top on the plant. But Ive toped 3 plants now, and they have all turned out to be male... idk if thats just bad luck or what...
  5. Huh? If you don't cut the top off, why would they call it topping? Are you sure you are not thinking of fimming?

  6. That looks topped to me...made 2 instead of one...fim is where ya "miss" when your are topping hence the name "fuck i missed"
  7. Thankse everyone damn, Kinda had a feeling but i was hoping for a longshot i guess lol

    Well i hope my little plant gets big enough to get some clones But with my luck it will probley be another male! /cry

    LOL this sucks it was just getting big too haha

    Anyways thanks again
  8. hate to burst your bubble but thats a male...... males seems to show faster from my experience anyways...
  9. ya male plant indeed
  10. Ill guarantee ya if you clone that your clones will be male lol....that's usually how it works. A clone of a male is a male. Whoda thunk dat?
  11. Actually he topped it perfectly. I don't know what you are talking about. You want to cut just above your last internode, and new growth will shoot out of that in (at least) 2 places forming your new top to your plant.

    Don't give advice, if all you can give is bad advice.
  12. #12 G-lant, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2010
    For all those that said I dont know what I am talking about I would like to refer you to LBH's post on how to 4 way LST, he top's his plant in the 2nd photo, he doesn't cut it, he 'plucks' the top growing node, not cutting it half way up the new growth.

    Just because I don't have many posts doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.

  13. If you only have a MALE plant and figured out it was male. Can you let it continue to grow and make hash or something edible out of it? Or is there not enough THC in it to do that?
  14. I think males have like 2-3% THC, so not really worth keeping, unless for compost. Sorry for your loss!
  15. Definately Male. Cut that shit like bad coke.

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