Male or female

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Smokeyjay89, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. It's about 6/7 weeks old every time I think I see hairs grow its another set of leafs

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  2. No indication of sex.
    Growing in a window will produce spindly and stretched you have already found out.
    Good luck.
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  3. Thanks mick this is my first go and a trail run with a random seed. I'm in the process of converting a room for a real attempt. My country doesn't have the right weather for the window grow ha. Would it bee too late to put this under lights now? Appreciate any advice (good or bad)
  4. Your plant is long but it's not too terrible, nice spacing in-between nodes and new branching coming out. I can't see any direct sex indicators at this moment, but if you look closely at this section of your plant, it looks like pollen sacs starting to form. Check everyday. I've had it change overnight before. Nothing wrong growing in a window like that either, just keep your shade open more, maybe even put it on the balcony.

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  5. if you have a light you can top the plant then put it under the light ,,it;l grow ok ,i only say top it cuz has @MickFoster said its spindly and stretched ,,it should then put on some better growth under the lamp ,,mac, ,,
  6. If you are already flowering it right now and expecting it to sex, then DO NOT TOP IT. You will be screwing yourself over and potentially causing it to hermie/turn into a male.
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  7. why will toping a plant cause it to hermie or turn male ...just asking ,,lots top their plant and it doesnt turn them hermie ,,ive never caused or had a hermie plant from topping it..mac
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  8. Because it's the stressing involved that causes it. Your plant goes into defense mode and wants to reproduce before dying. That's my understanding of it. But it's more "dangerous" to be doing when you are flowering (which your not supposed to do anyways).
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  9. topping is ok it dosn't stress them that much to cause them to hermie orturn male ive been growing inside now for 20 years grown many different strains and never had one hermie on me from topping ,his plant is not flowering hes looking for perflowers that start to show some time after veggin for 6 weeks or over ,,mac,
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  10. Ok I was not aware that he had not flipped it to 12/12 since not more info was given. If in fact, he hasn't flipped it yet, then yes, their is no risk to it. However, if you do top it, and then throw it into flower without giving it time to recover, you most certainly can hermie it.
  11. How could he switch to 12/12 growing in a window?

    I disagree with you.......topping will not cause it to hermie at anytime. You can completely defoliate or lollipop at 2 weeks into flower and it won't go hermie.
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  12. So you can't take your plant from out of the window into a dark room for 12 hours and put it back every day? Interesting, i haven't done that with my last grows at all lol
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  13. Didn't know it was physically impossible to move a growing container to a dark room/area for 12 hours. The amount of stuff you learn is incredible on this forum.
  14. yea you can grow the plant outside in pots in the summer and when you want plant to flower and you have the space to put them inside in to a dark space you leave the plants out to get the 12 hours daylight then put then in the dark room for 12 hours ,,which is easy really unless your growing them in really big pots that you cant lift and carry ,,easy peasy mate ,,,,mac,,
  15. #15 Johnny_Appleweed, Aug 1, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
    My sarcasm has fell on deaf ears..
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