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Male or female?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Tydroponics, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. ED639698-B5BE-4D50-8793-F64B60F11369.jpeg 9ECFE872-9A5D-45F5-90F5-652ED214BE91.jpeg negative comments are liable for a shitty reply from me. I’ve had enough bad luck as it is and had to start all over again with bagseed
  2. No more blurple pics from now on cause you can’t really see shit. Upload a pic with the light off. It looks female to me but upload another pic so we can tell for sure
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  3. 5C98E193-6C51-4AF7-8A15-62D833B1B73A.jpeg 5C98E193-6C51-4AF7-8A15-62D833B1B73A.jpeg
    This any better?

    Attached Files:

  4. No sign of sex that I can see. Just new growth.
  5. Too early. Hairs or balls. How long you been in flower?

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. Yea man give it another day or 2
  7. Didn't you just tell us you were busted for growing a few days ago?
  8. Good memory !!
  9. I wish. I thought the username sounded familiar so I looked back at his previous threads.
  10. HAHAHAhahahahha.... that's what *I* had to do!
    <----- NO memory
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  11. I did get busted the other day? What’s your point
  12. Only got busted for 3 plants and all of which was outdoor grown as you all may remember. I got a separate indoor grow spot that I had pulled up what was left outside and by pulled up I mean I carefully transplanted them lol just to see how it would go despite the crazy bad luck I’ve had
  13. My point was if most people get busted growing, they stop growing at least for a while and usually the cops will search inside your house. They obviously didn't search your house for some reason since you still have plants.

    Did you get any charges when you got busted? Are you going to have to defend yourself or is it over?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. It’s been a few days now. What’s it look like?
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  15. They gave me a ticket here is what my charges was and they did search my house but I didn’t have any inside besides one seedling that they pulled up. I had these outside hid and they didn’t see them so I brought them inside. And no it’s not over I have to go to court the 15th

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