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Male or female??... Auto

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Canman2, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. 2 week old auto... Is it male or female??

    Attached Files:

  2. You didn't get feminized auto seeds ?

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  3. hard to tell from these pics but looks like it's not showing yet
  4. Looks like I MIGHT see 2 little white hairs on the 2nd pic on the left......and thats just cuz im looking for something.......but it really is hard to tell from those pics
  5. Yeah its too early, but looks like male characteristics if I was betting on it..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I say we all gamble on these pics like a horse race.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. :lmafoe:
  8. Yeah they are dinefem mobydick xxl..... Its my third grow but first time seeing this
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  9. There is no rush to cull males, wait until you're sure. It does look like a male but you will be 100% sure weeks before any pollen is released so don't do anything rash
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  10. #10 MickFoster, Aug 12, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
    Do they make male autos?
    Edit: I meant regular autos.
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  11. They do have "regular " autos not feminized. Not sure where or why but I've heard talk of them
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  12. Was thinking that too guy in my local shop told me to pull it but I'm going to give it another week or two just to be sure... Its the only one on the plant it might be due to stress also as I transplanted it from a solo cup (I know auto don't like transplant but I had 4 20lr pots and one snapped so I just replaced it with the solo cup one.. Maybe it got stressed and went hermie)
  13. Autos don't dislike being transplanted, they dislike being in a pot that's too small for their size. Transplant at the right time and you will not get any ill effects. It seems to be becoming an ever increasing common misconception
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I start all my autos in solo cups and transplant to larger containers. Doesnt bother them a bit, total stoner myth that they shouldn't be transplanted
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Oh sh*t really?... I taught that it delays them somewhat... Anyhow... Ive pics from today and I'm about 95%sure it's a male... Bare in mind I'm a noob

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  16. #16 killset, Aug 12, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
    I'm not seeing it buddy. 20190812_144605.jpg I think you might be mistaking male organs for what I have circled. Check out what I highlighted in blue. it's fairly common for new growers to think they're ball sacks especially before the pistil pops out. The pistil wont show until the plant shows its sex. I see no signs of a male. Those seeds should be feminized so just wait.

    You would really have to fuck up the transplant for it to cause issue with an auto. I do it all the time, its fine to transplant
  17. I don't think there white pistons that's whatever way the pic is taken in person there green... The other 3 plants have poped pistons and I knwo there female 100%
  18. 20190812_150108.jpg
    Is any of what I've circled a pistil? Hard to tell by the pic but they look like it. There is absolutely no sign of a male that I see.
  19. Nope it's all green... From what I've googled it looks like pollen sacks... Ive attached a pic and mine is very similar (obs not my plant but nearest I could find)

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  20. I'm not seeing any definent pollen sacks on your plant. If the top one I circled isn't a pistil my phone must be fucked up. Sucks since it's a new phone.

    Give it time buddy. If that's not a pistil it just hasnt shown sex yet

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