Male and Female on the same plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Rodzoo, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. thats def. a hermie, ditch the chick with a dick.

    if she dont got much longer to go though you could try harvesting the buds that have already formed. but dont keep her (unless you want to seed up your other girls, which im guessing you dont?)
  2. I took the razor to the plant and removed all the male growth. all that is left is the top.
    Here are some pic's for the records.
    All of these pic's are from one plant. It was a plant I had pulled it over to one side to where all the lower growth would come out and start growing the top is the only thing that is left. I took some pics of the aftermath.

    Attached Files:

  3. Yes i agree. If its shots from the same plant then its not a female.
    Thanks for clearing that up.
  4. Guess it funeral time :^ )

  5. Its still a hermie and its best to cut your losses now as it will just keep growing more balls but thats your choice.


  6. its all for the good of the group though. i'd rather toss one hermie than ruin the other 5 girls...

    and it could have just been the genetics of the plant, but stress does also affect it.
  7. Yep get it away from the females asap.

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