Hi, my name is Xizzi and I am new here. The reason I joined is because I sell accessories (no I am not going to promote my products here ), I have to add screens to my products and I looked in the forums here as there are people who want to make their own screens and I couldn't find any answers that I liked so let me explain why I ask I want to make my own pipe screens as I add 5 to every product box that I sell. I know they sell them at the local head shop for 10 cents each - but that is 50 cents per box for me - 50 cents really adds up when you sell thousands of products. Plus I have repeat customers who want to buy just screen replacements and I would like to provide them for a reasonable cost. #1 - What type screen (sheets of some sort) would I need - and where would I purchase it? #2 - Might their be a puncher available - say to punch multiple screens out of this sheet at the same time? If you know anything about this - and have the answers I am looking for I would be forever in your debt Thank you
You would need a very fine metal mesh sheet. It would be super tedius cutting those unless you have some sort of press cutter
I could make a die that punches out 100 screens at once but I would want $10,000 to make the die from scratch. Do you have a 100 ton punch press handy? you can get a nice one for $30,000-$100,000.
Yikes, I guess I don't want one - I just thought there might be one available for less than $10,000 - I'm very poor