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Making Use of Herb Resin: Making Dabable Product

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by BudCentral, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Many people, including seasoned smokers, never truly utilize the true potential of what residual resin of herb has to offer. Although resin may not be able to produce true "Hash," resin oil is quite potent on its own.

    My method may be considered quite the unorthodox method, but it consistently produces dabable oil on a regular basis. This method best applies to individuals who may not have the most reliable access to cannabis, but have a true passion for the medicinal uses of the plant.

    Here are my steps:

    1) Collect the resin. (I prefer manually scraping resin from the piece using a spoon shaped dabbing tool)
    2) Transfer the collected resin onto parchment paper (not wax paper)
    3) Once the resin is presented as a single unit, transfer the resin onto a cheese cloth.
    4) Sandwich the cheese cloth containing resin in two pieces of parchment paper and apply heat and pressure using a standard flat iron.
    5) The resin oil will filter and flow out of the cheese cloth; thereby making puddles of potent dabable oil.
    6) The dabable oil will congeal with time on the surface of the parchment paper
    7) Scrape off the dabable oil and enjoy!
    6) Filter papers can be purged in butane or Isopropyl alcohol to extract remaining THC molecules.

    Note: Not everyone has access to state of the art extraction mechanisms, and many don't have a copious amounts of THC containing product at convenience. This method is for those individuals who enjoy making the most out of their product.
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  2. That resin isn't medicine it's carcinogenic tar. Just by product of combustion. I usually flush that crap down the toilet.
  3. We are all entitled to what we believe, but there is zero dispute on its medicinal applications against nausea, seizures, and Crohn's disease. Perhaps the resin oil may be more carcinogenic than natural plant product, but wouldn't you consider it if your loved one was at risk and required treatment? Note that I included that it may seem like an unorthodox method.
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  4. So you are making rosin out of resin. Interesting, I'll have to try that some time. Doesn't the rosin stick to the resin?
  5. I smoke dank ass top shelf weed all the time but i love some resin. I love the thread myself man, its a great idea. Theres gonna be tons that will hate on resin but dont worry aboutrthem
  6. Exactly! It makes me happy to meet an individual who is truly proficient with even the most uncommon extraction methods. The Rosin Technique with resin actually does not stick to the resin because the heat makes the oil less viscous. This oil simply flows out of the filter sheet as a puddle of resin rosin.
  7. Resin rosin is some of the nastiest stuff i have ever made. Just did it as a goof and it made the entire apartment smell like shit and just a puddle of black oil was left on the parchment paper.

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  8. I believe in resin on those driest of days. I prefer to collect on resin when obvious buildup makes clearing the bowl difficult. Much prefer resin bong rips to resin spoon rips, or dry hitting the spoon. When you milk a decent chunk of resin in your bong bowl, you can have a cherry rolling for MASSIVE consecutive rips that never fail to get one stoned. ime, resin highs last for about 50% of the max high from flower.

    Happy toking!
  9. I think you missed the point of this entire topic

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  10. Or I just asserted my position on resin instead of rosin. Dabbing is for torch heads anyway. Butane is plenty safe for me.
  11. Interesting, probably better than just smoking resin, so I can't flame you too hard haha ;)

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