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Making Tincture Used For Electronic Cigarettes.

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by GodsHitman56, May 20, 2013.

  1. Hello everyone
    I have a plush-berry finishing in flowering as of the moment. she has anywhere from 11 to maybe even 18 days left before I chop her.  now shes not too big of a plant, maybe a foot tall (just a guess), but with her trim I was hoping to make hash. here what I'm thinking of doing;
    -Turn your herb into a near powder (grind it, chop it, mash it W/E) 
    -Take herb and put it in a glass jar
    -cover herb with rubbing alcohol (the high "proof" the better) 
    -let set for 40 minutes? not sure of the time frame cause I'm pretty sure the longer I let it sits the more chlorophyll in the end product. 
    -filter with a metal screen, a silk screen screen (best bet) or pantyhose.
    -colect it all on a glass plate/ pan and wait the alcohol evaporates
    Scrape plat with plastic card and press hash some how.
    Now I need to make a tincture with hash in Vegetable glycerin, and that's what 
    I'm having trouble with. can't really find a recipe online that I'm comfortable with(I'll just have to spend some more time on google) I am pretty sure I have enough VG at my house to accomplish this.So If any of you know of a nice Hash- VG tincture, please let me know.
    This in the ecig i hope to make a ticture to be used with  and the cleromizer I am currently using
    I've been smocking ecigs to get my nicotine and I actually enjoy It WAY more then cigarettes, the hits actually satisfy me unlike cigarettes and the cool thing about these damn thing Is you can smoke them anywhere, and there way cheaper then cigarettes!
    Hopefully the hash VG tincture wont smell like MJ but if it does I can live with it.


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