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Making THC Lollipops

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by andynov123, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. If I bought a half ounce of crip and used it all to make lollipops with thc. How many lollipops could I make?
  2. If you make a well processed "green dragon" alcohol extract a single dose shouldn't need to be any more than .25g and maybe less. So you could make 56 pops. If you don't extract well, you'll need more per pop...
  3. #3 BadKittySmiles, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2011
    Oil is best for lollipops and candy, for its enhanced bioavailability.

    Once you've evaporated off all the alcohol, you no longer have a 'vehicle' to promote the absorption of those cannabinoids, and the resulting effect or feeling of potency is drastically reduced as a result. Unlike oil, when using alcohol tincture depending on its water and alcohol to potency content, it often must be added prior to bringing the candy to hard crack stage, which vapes away volatile cannabinoids and degrades an even greater deal of the remaining potency. It 'works' and will provide some effect, but not nearly to the same degree as a good oil made with the same quantity.

    This will get you started.. besides sugar, canna oil and flavor, lolli sticks are all you'll really need :)

    Photo Tutorial: Highly Activated Med Grade Bioavailable Canna & Hash Oils, Canna Candy/Lolli Recipe, and more...





    If you're unsure of your abilities, or feel you may not be able to move fast enough towards the end, use a few tablespoons of golden syrup or corn syrup, or a teaspoon of either glucose or honey along with your sugar (add together before boiling), to help prevent crystallization after removing your candy from the heat. I have issues with corn syrups and processed corn products made in N. America and also prefer to have as 'natural' a candy as possible, so I often make it without anything extra by being quick and careful as I pour my candy. I should mention, if using tonic water, it likely already has corn syrup in it.

    Hope this helps, good luck! :)
  4. I respect your knowledge in this area - but just wanted to write that the above statement doesn't represent my personal experience. I can go from dry starting material to finished hard candy, utilizing heated-alcohol extraction, in 3hrs and have a potency that makes 0.1-0.2g per dose a very strong experience for most people. So I'm not certain how much of an issue it really is to have alcohol in the final product. It may be that passive alcohol extraction commonly used isn't as thorough as heated?
  5. That really depends on what material you're talking about (you didn't mention)... if it's a concentrate, even they vary greatly, you can get anywhere from a mere 15 to more than 30 doses per gram, depending on the THC content of the BHO/hash oil. If that is the case, I would hope that you're getting at least the 5 - 10 doses per gram you suggest!

    It 'works', no one is doubting that; it's an old-fashioned method that has been used for years, before the medical industry really began developing steam. But you'd have much greater effect, if you took bioavailability into consideration.

    Cannabis glandular material is notoriously difficult to absorb, without a 'vehicle' of sorts, that being a tincture, or an oil, which doesn't evaporate during the process before consumption. When you've broken down the material into a tacky, gooey substance (which is what occurs, when it comes into contact with alcohol and that alcohol is evaporated away), it is more bioavailable than for instance, dry sift hash or raw flowers. But it still needs the presence of that alcohol during consumption or use, for the best effect and absorption.

    Once it's gone, you're left only with that difficult glandular material, and while many old-fashioned and outdated recipes from the 60's - 70's and earlier did recommend using similarly extracted hash oil, and even raw hash for cooking, we've learned a LOT about absorption and bioavailability, since then. :)

    I've been doing this privately and professionally helping patients around the globe for many years, instructing in everything from the smallest and most ill-equipped kitchens to the most intimidating lab environments (with incredible help from folks MUCH more experienced than myself!), and like most people who've made more than a batch or two of edibles in their time, we've learned how to provide the most effect from the least material, and after activation, the main issue most people have is neglecting to take absorption into consideration.

    Most of our recipes are developed for folks like myself, suffering from digestive disorders and scar tissue, which prevent us from absorbing everything from nutrition in food and pharmaceutical medications, to edible cannabis, as efficiently as those with healthier digestion. We also specialize in people suffering from terminal illness and debilitating chronic pain.

    The ratios we use are very often not for recreational, or light-medical/functional use. This is why I NEVER recommend doses, and have generally stopped sharing my personal dose all together in recent tutorials, and have instead insisted people take their own dosage needs into consideration by following the below guidelines:

    Excerpt on dosing correctly, directly from the oil tutorial:

    And from the Glycerin Tincture tutorial...

    Hope this helps. :)
  6. interesting stuff,
    about time this thread got some attention.

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