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Making some firecrackers

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by TheChillT, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. High, GC. I'm planning to make some firecrackers today. I have:

    - ~1g of mids
    - Kroger brand graham crackers
    - Crunchy Nutella
    - Going to cook for 20-22 minutes at 325 F

    My only concern is the Nutella. Is the crunchy type okay to use? The chunks are pretty small but still...

  2. Sounds good, but I'd mix a little olive oil in with that nutella :) Decarb your herb briefly first, for a better effect and less waste of material, and you'll be good to go.
  3. Ok, thanks. How long and what temp should I use to decarb it?
  4. Also, how bad will it smell? I'm not worried about the house reeking, but more that my oven will smell like bud for a few days.
  5. The smell will be gone from your oven in a few hours or less.. when sealed properly, edibles create less odor than smoking :)

    To decarb, mince your bud up and preheat your oven to 215, and assuming you don't have any oven bags (the high-temp resistant bags made for cooking chicken, meat and veggies in) you should loosely wrap your herb, in aluminum foil.
    By loosely, I mean so that the seal is still relatively tight, but you have a sort of 'pocket' of air inside that the loose herb is contained in. Decarbing is essentially just excessively drying out your herb, to release the carboxyl group in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide causing cannabinoid conversion.
  6. hey guys i was lookin to make some firecrackers with my avb (at about 15 grams now) but im at college so i dont have an oven, just a microwave. ive tried making them in a microwave without success so im gonna try the no heating at all technique.

    i was going to leave it in some pb (all natural) for about a week.

    my question is should i seal it up in some tubberware or i have some wax paper i could just wrap it up in, which way would be the better way to go?

    thanks for your thoughts
  7. i wrap mine in plastic wrap but it wont work if you only leave it out for a least a month and thats if you put oil in the pb/nutella
  8. Except for the lack of cannabinoids (which you've made up for, in volume of material) already-vaped bud is very good for edibles, being already decarbed.

    Can you find a small glass jar, baby-food sized or slightly larger? If you have a computer or an electric heater, you can make a somewhat faster and more reliable (than no-heat) canna peanut butter spread, by mixing your peanut butter, ground herb, and a small amount of additional oil in a jar, then placing the sealed jar in front of the vent.

    Additionally many college students have hot plates, or single burners, they're usually around 10-15 dollars. I realize money is probably short, but it's simple to create a double boiler by doubling up two pots, a smaller that fits comfortably inside the larger, with a small amount of water between the two. You could then place your sealed jar inside the smaller pot, fill with water until it reaches the lid, and then gently heat your canna peanut butter this way until it's ready for use.

    Both above methods are entirely odorless due to the jar, and will also prevent vaporization and possible loss of potency. :)

  9. Thank you, My herb was already really dry, but i put in in for about ten minutes. It just crumbled perfectly. I just mixed the ground up bud into the nutella/olive oil mix, and I'm just waiting for the oven to heat up.


  10. thanks man i gotta mini mason jar that i use to store my bud thats perfect got a little more than half a jar of pb ill just mix it all up nd just leave it on the radiator for a few weeks.

    but if i did go with the heating ttechnique wouldnt a sealed glass jar over heat like.. explode or something
  11. So long as it's a proper canning jar like the mason style, or something like a traditional baby food jar or similar (from a product that was heat preserved/canned), and you follow those double boiler instructions, it's perfectly safe. Those kind of jars were made for preparing foods this way. The double boiler prevents the base of the jar from scalding or shattering and provides a more consistent heat that is restricted by the dual layers of water, making it less likely to burn.

    You need to use a medium-low heat, and fill the pot at least up to the line of material inside the jar, which should be no less than 3/4- 4/5 the way full, but ideally you want an inch and a half of water above the lid. It's all about gradually heating the material inside, at closer to the same speed as both the glass, and the liquid outside... it maintains a balance that keeps everything stable. Our grandmothers have been doing it for ages :)

    If you've done it right, once cooled, the seal will usually be good enough and should have made enough suction inside the jar, to create one of those safety-popping lids (when you put pressure on it from the top, it won't dimple inwards and pop back out again until you open the jar and break the seal). :cool:

  12. duh i guess i was too baked to think of that cause i knew thats how you seal it up again :p haha i might just wait and make a trip back home next weekend so i can make some legit brownies :D

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