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Making oil in room temp?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by SpainExperience, Apr 28, 2019.

  1. I am making some THC-A oil in room temperature, trying to keep all the volatile stuff in. So I put dried leaves in some olive oil and stored it in a cupboard. I've already tested these leves by reducing, the have about 5 % of THC-A + THC. Plan to shake the bottle once and a while.

    So does anyone have experience/data on this? How long would it take to get the goodies transferred to the oil? A week, a month? Or maybe nothing happens?
  2. Could you explain what "tested these leaves by reducing" means?
  3. @Cactus Ed

    I means I made tincture with them and reduced it as much as I could and calculated the approximate percentage.

    20g of dry decarboxylated leaves yielded little over 1g of the stuff.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. So basically you were measuring the amount of oil you got from 20g of leaves. I get it, Thanks. I've guessed at the percentage of THC my decarbed wax has by comparing the effects of a weighed dose of my oil with the effects from 10mg Marinol capsules. The capsules have exactly 10mg of synthetic THC and the dose is more accurate than edibles from the dispensary. It's not THC-A though or it wouldn't work. It's a bioassay.
  5. I don't understand your goal. What volatiles are in leaves you're trying to save? What are you going to use this oil for if it has any potency? If it's for edibles any volatiles that may be there will make them taste bad and you can't smoke olive oil so what are you going to do with it? Rub it on your skin? For what purpose?
  6. My goal is to extract THC-A while keeping all the terpenes or whatever goodies the leaves may have. Taste doesn't matter. It will not be used in any baking or anything like that, maybe mixed in smoothie or whatever.. My aim is to help my friend with her stomach/intestine/digestion problems. I put fresh (or dried but not decarbed) leaves in my evening smoothie together with decarbed ones. THC-A apparently has some medicinal value especially with digestion problems.
  7. Okay, sorry I can't help you. I'm not a smoothie kind of guy, I'm more steak and potatoes. Which is hard right now since my wife has been on this ketogenic diet for months. Fortunately I haven't had weight problems since I was about 55, 15 years ago and my lipid profile is excellent. My wife doesn't have weight problems either, she's 4'10" and 94lbs but thinks keto is healthier. At any rate, no matter how I eat I'm quite sure I'll never die young. :)
  8. The smoothie is not the point here. Or any other thing what happens after I have the oil. The point is, if anyone has tried this or has any info on this whether I can actually extract any of the goodies in the oil in room temperature for my friend's medication.

    I've read in an another forum about someone who made oil from decarbed flower in room temp and he said it worked (got him high), but I do not know much about that case.
  9. Lots of herbalists do exactly what you are doing, with variations in carrier oils, herbs, etc. I've made a massage oil with calendula flowers, spent weed and other things in the exact same manner that your are doing. The only thing I did was heat up the oil in a double boiler just before separating if from the herbs. That made separation a little easier and possibly more thorough.

    I didn't test it so I have no technical data.

    Not sure this helps.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Fair enough, I'm not the THC-A kind of guy either, I'm not much of a believer in the possible health benefits from pot, I use it strictly for the psychoactive effect. I'm not saying there isn't any health benefits, I guess I'm saying it doesn't matter to me if there are. The only problem I have with my GI system is reflux and associated heartburn and I take a proven effective med for that. Sometimes you just need to experiment if you can't find the answers otherwise. I've learned a lot by reading, experimenting, and reading some more. After a lifetime of this I've realized some of the info I hear is accurate and much is...not so accurate, urban legends even. I wish you well
  11. Sure helps. Come to think of it I have actually done that a couple of times with orange and lemon peel and some mint. If the smell and taste transfer to the oil, it means that at least terpenes transfer like that. The THC-A is still a bit of a mystery.
  12. Each to his own, I pretty much try to avoid the psychoactive effects. :)

    We can imagine that this material has been sitting in its jar for a year or two and naturally decarboxylated (it hasn't), then we could talk about THC and perhaps you guys would be more interested. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1

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