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Making honey oil first time tomorrow

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AdamArmy, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Me and my friend are buying a quarter of dank and he got an extractor and oil pipe today from the headshop? I read the an ounce makes like 1 gram of oil so that means mathematically we would have 1/4 in oil which me and him will split half half so it's a small amount but considering of how little you need of the oil I think it's worth it. We are gonna try half of the quarter first to make sure it comes out good. if it all goes well we will make the as other half but if not we are just gonna vape the rest lol. Any tips?
  2. Have fun!

    Remember to it outside and not in any room in your house (includes garage) and I found that you don't want to overheat your oil, but you want it warm so the butane can easily pass through it.

  3. Do I need a torch lighter?

  4. It can help alittle bit, but I really use one. How are you purging your oil?
  5. Seems like a waste to me with such a little amount.

  6. They'll probably get a half gram total, which really isn't to much, but I always found the process of making BHO fun.
  7. Definitely a waste of a quarter.
  8. You will get many more highs out of the quarter as bud, than if you make it into oil. However if you got the money to burn and wanna have fun making it then go for it.
  9. You should yield 1g/quarter oz. of good bud.
  10. How did it go? Yield?

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