Hello I read somewhere that you can make hash out of leaves / small bud. Can anyone explain how this is done? Is it worth doing? Nick
look into getting a bubble bag hassh maker. i dont really think its worth it unless u got the money to buy the hash maker.
No, unless you want to make weed tea. Hash making can be either the frozen bubble method (as I call it)or with a very flammable solvent (like rubbing alcohol). There are some posters here who have made hash, maybe you can find their posts. I DO NOT recommend using the flammable solvents in your kitchen to make hash. You may very well set yourself and the house on fire. I repeat, do not make hash with the flammable solvent method.
here's a link to a mj connoisseur's method for making hash:http://www.geocities.com/whitesativa421/ice_cold/hash.html
yeah, bpp is right some ppl were making hash in the back of a restaurant ? and they ended up burning it down...i read that a few days ago on www.marijuananews.com