making hash outta my male plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sledneckn, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. hey guys i have 2 decent sized male plants that r all dried. i was wondering if i can make hash outta these plants.. if i can will u give me a step by step guide on how to make hash outta the plants thanx guys

  2. wtf trash them.male plants = no good.....................................:cool:

  3. I think it would be a waste of time... but if you have to try I would try and make qwiso..*qwiso*-guide-pics.html
  4. Yes you can and it works very well. i did this with a male blue god plant. I couldn't get anything higher than 70% alchol so it turned out more like oil cause it never dried right out but it got us all hella stoned! I used every part of that plant, stalk and all!

    Try it, what have you got to loose?
  5. never tried it, but i agree- what do u have to lose. If you already have them why not try. I would imagine you would do it the same way you would a female?
  6. Yea, I just followed the directions found on this site. Like I stated though, when I did it I came out with some oily type substance. I assume this is because I didn't use the right alcohol and it didn't evaporate correctly, but other than that it was very smokable, quite smooth and got us WAY high. :) My wife called it home made drugs. LOL


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