Making feminized seeds with collodial silver

Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by ZappaVincent, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. #1 ZappaVincent, Sep 27, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
    Hi happy growers, not beginner but first time doing my feminized seeds. After spraying female plant with colloidal silver they turned into mix of female/male buds plant. I know how to collect male pollen and pollinate female buds, did it before with male pollen. My question is: will be the seeds on this sprayed plant for use, or will they have unstable genetics (I presume 99% of the seeds will be female). Thank you for the answers.

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  2. they will be 99.9% male pollen on a female plant the silver nitrate? smothers the female gene allowing the male gene to emerge on a female plant
    you apply the pollen to a female plant all the seeds will be female

    the lower the voltage the smaller the spray monocules of silver
    the water is only used as a form of transit

    I'm about to make some up thanks for the reminder
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  3. I have occasionally got seeds on my pollen donor they have always been feminized.
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