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Making Cannabutter

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by rjpartner, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. I've tried edibles before a few times and I wasn't very impressed with the high I got from them. When I tell this to people they all say "The butter must have been made wrong" so I decided to try and make some for myself and put the questions to bed. Here is what I plan on doing:
    1. Grind my herb in a coffee bean grinder (1/2 OZ)
    2. melt 1 pound of butter in sauce pan and bring to simmer
    3. stir in my ground up herb and all kief
    4. let it simmer while stirring for 2-3 hours
    5. strain the butter into another pot and let it cool
    6. melt it again and pour it into containers to be used to cooking
    What do you think GC?? Good method?


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