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making blunt/dutch, do i need a grinder?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by soursalts, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. First time, but I don't have a grinder. If I break it up real good with my fingers will it still burn smoothly? Or should I wait to hang out with a friend that has one?
  2. Scissors man
  3. [quote name='"coraygc"']Scissors man[/quote]

    Ahhh I see
  4. Grinder is usually the best way to break it up, but scissors/hands will work.
  5. Scissors or just grind up with your fingers.
  6. Damn, I have some money, I would like to go and buy weed and roll blunt... But I keep them for new gloves and drinking with girls. You are making big tastes to me :D
  7. Yup scissors and a shot glass.
  8. Yeah. 90 percent of the blunts I smoke are with bud broken up with my fingers
  9. Alright guys thanks a bunch.

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