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Making a single serving cannabis tea *GET IN HERE FOR RESULTS*

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Mot1ve, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. #1 Mot1ve, Jul 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2015
    Alright so so far I decarbed a gram of some FORCE OG (rare strain. look it up).
    <br style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">Steps used so far:<br style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><br style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">1) PREHEAT toaster oven to 225 (if your toaster oven is sparkly clean and no ashes and crap, do 250) ..

    2) Grind up coursely the buds (1 gram is fine.. or less ) and put it into a aluminum foil that has been double folded and refolded .. and enclose it as a rectangle..making sure to fold on all sides

    2)Once the toaster oven is pre-heated and the heating elemnt turns off signifying it reached the temperature, throw it in there on the rack.. no tray needed. After 20 minutes take it out<br style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><br style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">3) Take it out and let the decarbed bud cool 5 mins.. Now you can grind it finely.

    4)Put 1 tablespoon of butter into a bit of boiling water.. half cup water or more (you might have to add more as you go)... Add the weed once the butter is fully dissolved into the water... and simmer for 30 mins
    <br style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">4) With 10 minutes remaining, slowly pour in about a half cup or a cup of milk depending on your preference.. Now allow this to simmer until most of the water is dissolved.. What you're aiming for is a milky tea (like a chai tea).

    5) Pour out all the contents into a cup or mug of your choice. Add some sugar..

    LAST STEP: Add some water to the empty pot which will have milk curds and butter or w/e on the bottom of the pan.. boil the water to get all the contents of the pan.. and then throw in a tea bag of your choice .. Once the water changes color and picks up all the stuff in the pot... Add all of that to your weed tea and mix it.

    NOW, just let it cool, and enjoy! .. Remember to drink it all and don't mind the milk curds ;P

    EDIT: I've attached a pic of the product I used and the finished tea below. *CLICK ON THE ATTACHED THUMBNAIL FOR HIGH RES*

  2. [​IMG]


    Attached Files:

  3. #3 Mot1ve, Jul 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2015
    EDIT:0:45 MIns Started feeling it pretty fast on an empty stomach. I feel so relaxed right and focused [​IMG]

    -1:20 minutes
    Feeling pretty high. So high that i watched martha stewart make a cake and now im about to draw lol

    Alright now that i know this works great... All i ask is that when you tell your friends about this recipe or ever make this recipe.. Always refer to this as Motive's recipe as thereafe many different canna tea recipes but none like mine.

    Truthfully I worked many years to develop an effecient recipe for a single serv recipe that was quick and easy.. And now ive finally got it right.
  4. Hi there if I could possibly reccomend something. another option could be to use cream,

    Bring cream to a boil and reduce to 2-3 on the element add the pot and cover for 15 minutes, pour threw paper towel into cup if you have no cheese cloth or metal screen. add the cream to your tea you could also put the gram of herb into a shot glass with cream and into oven at same temperature as the butter. then simply strain and add the cream to the tea or coffee.
  5. That wouldn't work. I know from experience. Without decarbing, the thc won't attach to the fat.
  6. Oh I forgot to mention how AMAZING this tea tasted.. The cannabis strain added a nice sweetness and sweet marijuana butter aroma mixed with the warm milk and sugar.. WAs a buttery canna tea smell and taste that I love.

    It tastes amazing.

    This is the only single serving edible recipe that has ever worked fool-proof for me and I've tried it all in terms of smaller serving edibles.

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