Making a grinder??

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by JeffTheToker, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Is this possible?
    If so, please explain. :)
  2. I read a thread where someone used a little tin container and drilled screws i to bothsides of it
  3. Hm, that sounds interesting. Might have to look that up. :)
  4. ok i got one
    take your hands..they got those finger things right?
    on the tip of the fingers and your thumb pinch a small piece of the bud off
    and repeat always repeat
  5. No one likes a smart ass sir.
  6. hmm i'm not sure...unless your have the equipment to machine metal or can work with wood real good :D get creative!
  7. I was thinking of that! My school is super badass we have a welding and power mechanics class. So I was figuring I could get one of my buddies to make one in welding.
  8. that could work! i'm actually going to school for machining so i know what my first project will be! I'll post pics if i actually can do it. :p

  9. :mad:
  10. Lol, if you accomplish it, Ill buy one. xD
  11. I didn't mean to make you mad. Lets be friends. Jah love. :)
  12. Put the bud in a shot glass and use little scissors to dice it up. Or you could buy a coffee grinder for like ten bucks. They work surprisingly well. Kief (obviously with some plant matter as well) gets stuck to the lid and you can scrape it off.
  13. :ey:..................
  14. Yes, it is possible and I have done it many times.

    what I do is just get a normal stash tin (like a lollie tin or something), put the bud in, then put two 10cent peices in there, idk what that is in american coins but I think a 10cent piece is like a nickel. anyway, then just shake like a motherfucker for like a minute and its done. works everytime,

    you just gotta be careful what tin you use cuz some leave bits of paint in your weed O: most tins work good though
  15. i honestly don think this would all
  16. [ame=]YouTube - My Homemade Grinder[/ame]

    theres one i found...kinda ghetto but appeared to work well..
  17. Yess I love dirty coins and paint in my bud.
    You must be smoking some dry pot if that works :eek:
  18. use a empty dip can(or that shredded beef jerky that looks like dip can), and put flatheaded thumb tacks in it, in a pattern so that you can spin it ya know.

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