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Making a carb bigger?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Viben, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Can I use a diamond bit on a dremel to make the carb on my bub wider? Or like maybe some sandpaper wrapped around a pencil or a paperclip or something?

  2. diamond drill bit.
  3. Umm I dont know for sure if you can or not. Yet I wouldnt try with any piece that cost over a $100 bucks and I doubt a bigger carb will make that much of a difference. If I was to try this I would heat the glass carb with a torch before drilling.
  4. I'd actually say do the opposite. Only do this if you're doing it to a piece that has good, thick, quality glass. If you try doing it with shitty glass it might not work as well.

    You can buy all the necessary stuff to drill glass at a local hardware store like Home Depot or Lowes. Just ask around there. They have glass lubricant you can use as well.
  5. I heard if you drill it slightly underwater it works better

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